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Shanu's world got stopped seeing the scene unfolding infront of her.

' What is he doing ' She thought in her mind as she saw Jungkook kissing a girl.

Jungkook was startled by a loud scream which belong to none other than Miss Shanu.

' Jeon Jungkookkkkkkkkk ' She said blasting like bomb scaring the last cell of his guts. Poor boy fall on the ground that impact will be seen in his walking style atleast for two days.

' What do you think you are doing ' Shanu said immediately approaching him who was still on the floor and was waiting for earth to swallow him so that he can be safe from this volcano who is going to burn him alive.

' I am- ' before Jungkook can complete his words he was cutted.

' Excuse me who are you to shout at my kookie bun ' Jieun said starting her Oscar winning acting to proceed their plan.

' What! I am whatever in his life, that's not the question. I am asking you , who are you to him ' Shanu said wrapping her hands above her chest.

' Oh come on. You don't have any right to speak in his life ' Jieun said acting so ever bitchy which she is not really.

' I am his..... ' Shanu stop in between her own sentence as she didn't find the right words.That's when reality hit her.

' What i am in his life. What right i have on him. It's his life he can do whatever he want. I am no one to interfere. But i don't want just to be a someone in his life , i wanted to be his only one ' Shanu was having a battle of her thoughts with herself. She was herself dumb to understand her feelings.

' Don't tell me shanu. Aish how can you. How can you do this to yourself.  How can you fall for this jUnkfOOd '  as shanu realise she widened her eyes at her thoughts and just stare at the poor bunny with amusement who was just near to wet his pants. Nothing unholy i am pure innocent.

I am sorry Jieun, she is my friend shanu. She just misunderstand you . Let me just solve it ' You said excusing evryone and dragged shanu to the corner.

' Are you out of your mind. Why are you ruining his plan . She is the girl he likes ' You said acting so evil mentally laughing at the pitiful expression of your bestie.

' But why he was kissing her ' Shanu said pouting badly nearly crying.

' What!  He was ki- ' You said wanting to cut her absurd thinking. But bitch inside you stopped you from doing so.

' Oh so she misunderstood the situation. According to plan when shanu will be reaching near them then Jungkook has to look into her eyes and act as he was helping her to clean her eyes in which her hairs were coming again and again. This was the legendary plan. But shanu misunderstood. Well who cares . It's just beneficial for us. So let's go with the flow ' You said thinking in your mind smirking ever so devilishly.

' There's nothing wrong sweetie, she is going to be his girlfriend anyway or maybe his wi- ' You were cutted in between.

' Nooooooooo, he can't. He can't be with her ' Shanu said cutting you abruptly.

' Ommo you scared me. But why he can't be with her ' You said acting all so worried smiling internally.

' Yn actually i wanted to tell you something ' Shanu said looking at her feets fidgeting with her fingers being all nervous , which is very rare for you.

' Tell me don't be nervous ' You said pretending eager to know, already knowing everything.

' Actually i like Jungkook ' She said eyes down close tightly hand turned in fists.

DESTINED TO BE MET||Kim Taehyung||KTHWhere stories live. Discover now