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' What do you think ' you said pacing back and forth placing your hand under your chin . You were not looking less than Sherlock Holmes finding solutions for his mystery cases.

' About what ' Taehyung said looking cluelessly at you placing the book he was holding on the soft matress.

' Oh god, you are behaving like Jungkook now ' You said making your way towards him on his bed.

' Can you tell me clearly ' He said leaning on headboard looking at you with spark in his eyes.

' I am talking about how to make shanu and jungkook together ' You said finally engulfing yourself in his buff chest.

' Oh that..... don't worry about that, i already have a plan ' he said playing with your silky locks.

' Really tell me also ' You said jumping abruptly in his grip. As he just sigh and pull you again in his arms.

' So listen ' then he describe you the whole process.

' Ommo i am just waiting for tomorrow. I can't wait. ' You said being excited after hearing his plan.

' Aish my little bean now sleep, tomorrow you have to do so much hardwork ' He said covering you both with covers.

' Ah wait... did you have your medicine ' he asked almost immediately.

' Yes sir ' you said saluting dramatically and he just chuckled while nodding. Soon sleep consumed you both as you drift to your dreamland.

' Hyung, are you sure that it will be safe for me ' Jungkook said shitting his pants by his hyung's wonderfOOl idea.

' Oh come on Jungkook, don't you trust me ' Taehyung said clearly offended by his younger's comment.

' Hyung i totally trust you, that's why i am asking this again and again for my welfare ' Jungkook said in monotone and yes note the sarcasm please.

' You-' Before taehyung can set his younger on fire you jumped in between and saved the poor bunny from turning ashes.

' Both of you stop and just focus on ur plan. Tell me when is she coming ' You asked looking at the door with curious eyes waiting for the main card of your so called plan.

' She will be here any time so- ' Taehyung was cutted by a sudden appearance of a beauty on the doorstep which was still unknown to you.

' Here she is ' Taehyung said chirping ever so loudly.

' hii ' The girl said showing her most innocent smile while her eyes disappeared as her cheekbones reach till her beautiful orbs.

' How are you ' Here goes little get together of three friends who met after a long period meanwhile you just stared at them silently not wanting to disturb the happy reunion.

' Oh i almost forgot , Yn she is Ji-eun and Ji-eun this is Yn ' Taehyung said introducing you both with each other. Took him long to realise your presence but still you were thankful to God that he still acknowledge your presence.

' Hi Yn-ah it's nice to meet you ' Ji-eun said forwarding her hands politely melting you right away with her politeness.

' Oh hii, it's nice to meet you too ' you said reciprocating same warmth towards her.

' I am sorry Ji-ya for calling you after so much long and still shamelessly ask for help and that also to do a fake act ' Jungkook said scratching back of his head being embarassed on the actual facts.

' Aish kookie-bun, it's just fine. Actually i am also excited to see that who is that unlucky person ' She said venom dripping from her mouth as her smirk said otherwise of her innocent features.

' Yaah ' Jungkook sulk like a small kid that obviously the one he is.

' Just perfect, you know you both are looking perfect like a couple. Nicknames, bickering. wow just WOW. ' You said being excited for the drama you are going to witness by this rocking cast.

' I don't want to ditch my one and only best friend, but i ship you both already ' You said shamelessly betraying your one and only precious baby bestie.

' I am surely gonna tell this to her after this whole plan will be over ' Taehyung said being the mischievous kid.  Ehh grumpy.

' You are not gonna do anything like that ' You said glaring him, eyes large like a soccer ball, finger pointing at his dazzling face.

' I will ' He grin stubbornly.

' You-' You got cutted by a heartful laugh which you recieved from Jieun.

' You both are too cute. Ommo taehyung is so lucky that you are his girlfriend ' She said making you blush miserably as she just addressed you as his girlfriend.

Matter is different that he confessed you so much times so as you. His family know about you as nothing is private but still when you got called as HIS girlfriend you can't control yourself from getting overwhelm by happiness as you end up blushing that hard that the heat radiating from your cheeks even raise the temperature of roo- Eew ridiculous. It's out of line. But fine . Hehe*awkward*

' Ok so we should work on this. You all know what you have to do right ' Taehyung said taking you out from your ever so blushing trauma.

All nod with enthusiasm , voice filled with determination, only wanted to complete their one and only mission.

' Mission bOnObOnOyAA '

' So let's follow the first step. Are you ready Yn ' Taehyung said commanding like a general leader leading his group for a dangerous mission. You nod just instantly.

' Oh shanu, come downstairs. You will be surprised to see who came ' You said chirping cutely as you went in shanu's room to call her downstairs so that your plan can proceed.

' Why? Who came . Don't tell me that Cha Eunwoo has appeared shirtless at the doorstep of Kim mansion ' She said excited at her own wild thoughts like a big pervert she is for handsome oppa's in whole k-pop industry.

' Aish . Not he but it's SHE ' you said crushing her hopes.

' Oh no , i don't wanna see anyone ' shanu said whining like kid which got ignored by you as you just dragged her all the way down.

' Who is this, for which you are very exci-' Shanu's word got stuck in her mouth as she saw the scene unfolding infront of her. She felt her world shaking and her presence fading at the view infront of her.


Gamsaheyo 💜

I am the one
I should lovEEEEEEEEEEE.

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