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'Yn what are you doing here' As you heard this voice your senses quickly shaken and you looked towards the person. Your happiness reach at its peak as you saw one of the most delightful person of your life.

It was your bestie  'SHANU'.

'Ommo ynie' she quickly came towards you and you also get up from your seat. You both hug each other tightly without caring about the surroundings.

'Aish i can't believe i met you again.' You said still hugging her. After hugging for almost five minutes you broke the hug and finally take a good look of each other. You were not ready to leave her hand.

You both were engrossed in your talks without caring about surroundings but a sound bring you back to your senses.

'Ynie i guess we are also here' It was jungkook's sarcastic self.

'Aish i remember Jungkook' Even though you don't but still you said to save yourself. Hehe.

'So mind explaining' Jungkook said wrapping his hands above his chest questioning like a police officer.

'So jun-' you were cutted off by your bestie.

'And mind explaining who are you Mr. to interrupting my talk with MY ynie.' Shanu said also ready to throw her hands.

'Yn say this gurl to behave with me' Jungkook said also standing up from his place.

'Aish guys calm down. Ok i will introduce you all. So everyone this is Shanu my bestie and shanu this is Kim family. I am staying with them.' You said pointing towards them.

'This is Mr Kim and she is his wife. This is taehyung their son and she is yoonjin their daughter younger than taehyung.' You said pointing to each member.

Everyone greet her a small hii.

'Buy ynie my question is still same who is this mister.' She asked again looking towards Jungkook.

'Aish this, this is Jeon Jungkook. Mine and taehyung's common friend.' you said answering her question.

'Oh ok' She said finally nodding .

'But where is hyunbin' As she said those words your smile faded. You stayed silent.

'I am sorry shanu but it will be more better if we don't talk about that. Why don't you have dinner with us.' Taehyung said answering shanu instead of you.

Seeing you stayed silent shanu didn't ask as any question as she know that there might be something wrong so she just sit quietly.

'Ynie now why are you standing. Come sit' Shanu said pulling your wrists to make you sit on chair.

'So Shanu tell me what are you doing here' you said being curious.

'Oh ynie you know that it was my dream to study in university so i fill the test and luckily i got selected.' She said being excited.

'Oh thats great' you said being happy as you know that how much she was excited about going to university.

'So in which university you got admission' You asked wanted to know everything that you miss about your crime partner.

'Seoul university' As those two simple words left from shanu's mouth you got excited.

'Aish i am so happy. I also got addmission in same university' You said exclaiming happily. You both again hug each other tightly swaying each other.

'That mean we are again going to be together' you both said at same time.

'I guess you should stay with us for night so you both can catch up on things' Mrs Kim said suggesting shanu.

'Its so kind of you Mrs kim' Shanu said slightly bowing.

'Oh comeon shanu you can drop the formalities as you are Yn's friend that mean you are also like my daughter.' Mrs Kim said being extreme sweet.

'So Shanu did you find any place to stay here' You asked again.

'Oh ynie don't worry. I got a room in university's hostel' shanu said assuring you.

'Ok then, it's a matter of relief' you said sighing in relief.

'Ok then kids finish your food and then you can talk.' Mr Kim said ordering everyone .

And like always you and shanu share your meals. It's was your habit to share your food with each other.

'And you know what ynie-' Shanu was cutted of by Jungkook.

'Oh please can you stop for a minute.' Jungkook said annoyingly.

Right now you all were heading towards Kim mansion. You, shanu, taehyung and junkgook were in one car and Mr Kim , Mrs Kim and yoonjin were in another.

'Excuse me mister jUnkfOOd, i am talking with my bestie so you please keep quiet and if you are feeling annoyed then you can get out of the car.' Shanu said shutting Jungkook.

'Wow , Shanu you are great. The great double bunny is quiet. Yaah daebak i can't believe it.' Taehyung spoke gasping dramatically.

'Oh comeon hyung don't take her side' Jungkook said getting irritated.

'Why? Why i shouldn't take her side. I will obviously take her side . Finally i have got someone who can annoy you. Oh lord i am so grateful of you' Taehyung said looking dramatically towards sky.

You were feeling like today Jungkook and taehyung has changed there roles. Today Jungkook was the one getting annoyed and taehyung was enjoying.

Thanks to dear shanu.

'Aish shanu why are you annoying my cute bunny' You said taking poor bunny's side as both shanu and taehyung has team up against him.

'Wow i can't believe that you are supporting him instead of me' Shanu said like always being extra and extra and so so much extra dramatic. (Hehe)

You laughed at her behaviour as she laughed also with you.

'Ok we reached ' taehyung said applying brakes.

'So yn and shanu, you both will share room right?? ' Taehyung asked again confirming.

'oh yes yes ' you said answering him.

'Ok so goodnight. You double bunny today you are sharing room with me' As taehyung said goodnight to you he placed his arm around Jungkook's shoulder and drag him towards his room.

And then you both besties went to your room. After changing you quickly went on bed and started sharing your stories with each other.


Gamsaheyo 💜

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I let you set the pace
Cuz i have been thinkin straight
My hearts been round
I can't see cleaner more
What are you waiting for.

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