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' No no no, this cant be true . Surely i have been mistaken. It's not him. ' you thought to yourself as you again pick your phone in your shaky hands.

But to your bad it was him.

It was hyunbin.

Unknown fear start rushing in your body and your forehead covered with sweat. You legs and hands start shaking.

Seeing your state shanu came towards you.

' Ynie what happened are you all fine. Ommo why are you sweating. Why are you shaking ' She asked you while holding you . You can't form any sentence as you were shocked.

' Ynie, dear calm down. Ok . Sit here and drink this water ' She said while making you sit on the bed and gave you water .

You hold water with shaky hands and it didn't reach till your mouth. Cuz it fell from your hand and break into pieces.

Tears start streaming down your cheeks . Your voice didn't seem to come out from your throat. You grabbed shanu's hand tightly.

Seeing your state shanu got terrified and she shout for help. Soon everyone came in your room.

Taehyung widen his eyes seeing your state as he quickly came near you.

' Ynie , ynie , baby what happened, why are you shaking tell me love ' He said holding your hand and asked you gently.

' Ta- tae you- he- Tae ' you stutter and can't complete your sentence. You hold his hands by your both hands tightly.

' Love, everything is fine. Don't panic ' He said as he quickly pulled you in his embrace.

' Tae he- , you know he - ' before you can complete your sentence you fainted in his arms.

' Ynie ynie ' he pat your cheeks to wake you up but nothing worked.

' Appa call doctor shin ' taehyung Said  taking you in his embrace tightly.

Meanwhile shanu start sprinkling water on your face but nothing worked.

' Yn baby pl-please wake up, don't scare me like this ' taehyung said crying with your unconscious body in his arms. Soon doctor arrived.

' Mr Kim please go outside, i have to check her ' doctor said to taehyung but he quickly denied.

' No i will not go anywhere. I will stay with her ' he said crying like child holding your hand.

' Mr Kim pl- ' doctor was cutted because of Mrs kim's pleading eyes . So doctor sighed and just nodded.

After checking you up doctor called every family member inside.

' Doctor what happened to her , why she suddenly faint ' Mr Kim asked.

' I guess it was a Panic attack. Maybe something happened that make her terrified that's why it happen. ' doctor replied.

' But don't worry, she is all fine now . Just make sure she doesn't take stres ' doctor said as she went out.

' Tae let her rest and then come after she wakes up ' Mrs kim said to taehyung, who was still in one position.

From last two hours he was sitting while holding your hands and was just looking at your face without uttering any word.

' Honey let him be ' Mr Kim said to Mrs Kim as she nodded and both left the room.

After sometime you open your eyes and looked infront. You saw taehyung sitting there already looking at you.

You tried to get up and talk something but before you can do any of these he cut you off by his lips.

You felt heat rising in your body as he was hovering over you and his lips was doing magic on you . You closed your eyes and also give in.

After a long passionate kiss you both pulled out. He stared at your face with a blank face.

' Don't you dare to scare me like this EVER AGAIN. ' he said with a cold look.

After that he connect his forehead with yours as you felt your cheeks getting wet. And soon you realise that he was crying.

You tried to face him but he didn't budge from his place and snuggle in your neck more .

' Bear, look at me ' you said softly ruffling his hairs. He showed you his face slowly, eyes still down.

' Don't cry on small things like this,' you said caressing his cheeks.

' You find it small thing, i almost lost my breath for sometime ' he said glaring you.

' Ok i am sorry ' you said looking down .

' Ynie i am telling you don't do these things again and again, i will di- ' he was cutted as you placed your hand on his mouth.

' Dare to complete this sentence and you will be laying on the floor dead ' you said showing him most angry face and he just shooked his head making scared expression.

' I wanted to tell you something ' you said looking down.

' What is it ' he asked.

' actually i l-love y-you ' you said closing your eyes. But soon you open them as you got no response from him.

' Bear what hap- ' you were cutted by his scream.

' what ! Say it again ' he said with shock and excited reaction.

' i love you baby bear ' you said smiling widely on his childish ness.

' Ommo say it again , i can't believe it ' he said behaving like kid.

' I love you, i love you , i love you so much baby bear. You know what baby bear,it was all are destiny. We both were destined to be together. Destiny has played it's crucial game with my life but i am happy cuz i met you. I felt very lucky to be with you, I LOVE YOU bear so much   ' you said smiling widely.

He quickly got up from bed and started jumping making you giggle.

' Aish baby bear, calm down ' you said stopping him. He stopped and picked you up in bridal style and spinned around.

' Ommo tae, i am feeling dizzy ' you said holding your head . He stopped immediately and put you down on bed .

' I am sorry ynie, i shouldn't have behave like kid. Here take some water' he said with worry and you laughed seeing his reactions.

' Aish ynie you are so bad ' he said understanding your trick.

' I wanted to ask something ' he asked with serious tone .

' Baby why you panicked all of sudden, what happen tell me ' he said cupping your cheeks.

' It's nothing bear ' you said preventing eye contact.

' Baby look in my eyes and tell what is bothering you ' He said holding your face in between his palms.

' Bear it's ab- about... It's about hyunbin ' you said last part more like whispering.

His eyes darkened upon hearing his name and his jaw clenched.


Gamsaheyo 💜

Take my hands now
You are the cause of my euphoria.

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