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As you didn't replied to any of his questions he didn't force you further.

'Lets eat something you must be hungry' he said getting up.

' Wait' you said and he immediately stopped.

'What happened' he asked.

' I am eating only on one condition ' you said looking at him.

'And what is the condition ' taehyung asked again confused.

' You are going to eat with me ' you said looking down.

' Ok ' He didn't show but right now he was at cloud nine on your simple sentence.

' What is this?' You asked looking at the big bowl of soup infront of you.

' I guess food. Sorry if you can't see' Jungkook said mocking you.

'Yaah do you wanted to get a punch' Shanu said defending you.

'Why you too can't eat in peace' you said glaring at both of them.

' She is right Jungkook and shanu keep quiet. Ynie you eat. ' Mrs Kim said to both of them.

' But how i am going to eat this ' you mumble to yourself.

You looked at every other dishes on table and your mouth was already watering. You wanted to try these.

' Wow today kimchi is extra tasty ' Shanu said exclaiming loudly to tease you. You just glared at her.

You looked at everyone's plate and you were already drooling over the food but then your eyes went on other bowl of soup which was infront of tae.

' That means he is also eating soup cuz i am eating this only ' you thought in your mind and smiled.

Then you didn't complaint further and eat peacefully.

'Ynie you should walk for sometime. It's not good to directly went on bed after eating' Taehyung said to you and you just nodded.

' let's go out for walk ' He said as he also got up from his seat.

Then you both went for walk side by side. It was peaceful street. Both of you was walking in silence. Soon you reached near a park so you decided to sit there for sometime.

'Here drink some water' Taehyung offered you. You drank water immediately as you were thirsty after walking.

Soon your eyes went on ice cream parlour near park. You were continuosly looking towards that direction. So taehyung asked you.

' Do you wanted to eat ice cream. ' he asked and you shook your head embarassed on the fact that you were much obvious.

'Its ok if you don't want but i want so i am still asking you ' He said pulling a trick on you.

'Ok if you are insisting this much ' you said casually but internally you were squeeling.

Then taehyung went from there to take ice cream. You were sitting there peacefully until you felt someone's presence beside you.

When you looked at the direction you saw a group of boys sitting there. They were continuosly staring at you. So you decided to get up from the place.

As you were about to go from there one of them hold your hand. You looked towards him and then at your wrist. You raised your eyebrows and asked him what he is doing.

'Oh comeon baby girl, you were sitting alone so we came to give you company but you are now leaving us alone' Said the boy who hold your hand.

'Leave my hand you asshole' You said trying to pull your hand back from his grip.

'Oh thats hot baby girl ' He said dramatically gasping.

'I am warning you last time. Back off otherwise -' You said glaring him.

'Otherwise what huh, baby girl will start crying' He said mocking you and laughing like a maniac.

'Tell me huh what will you do' He said again coming closer to you.

'Then i will do this' You quickly smash his nose with your head and quickly release your hands.

'Yaah you bitch' he said as he grabbed your hands again.

'Fuck you' He said when you didn't stop moving in his grip.

'What?! What did you said, huh . Fuck me. Man go get a dick first.' You said as you hit his manhood with your knee.

He fall on his knees. Before his other minions can do anything they were stopped by a extreme cold and deep voice.

' Stop where you are ' Taehyung said fuming in anger.

He quickly came towards them and start punching them. He punched harshly. They somehow escape from there.

'Are you alright' He asked panting checking you from head to toe.

' Dont worry. I am fine. ' You said assuring him.

'I am sorry your ice cream fall from my hand' He said looking towards the ice cream scattered on the floor.

' It's ok. ' you said and he nodded.

'lets go now it's already late' Taehyung said and you nodded.

'By the way , you just seem fragile but you are much more stronger. ' He said looking at you.

'No body is stronger from starting. It's life that gave us experience on our happy and bad terms. We learn how to be strong when we face difficulties.' You said looking at the sky.

' You face difficulties cuz god wanted you to be strong. And i am proud that you face these difficulties. Even you are ready to face these difficulties alone in your life. You are such a brave woman. The respect i have for you in my heart just increased today' Taehyung said looking at you.

' I hope my difficulties will end one day when i no longer have to pretend to be strong. ' you said which somehow hurt him.

' It will one day'. He said encouraging you.

' Ynie i wanted to say this, if you ever feel tired of pretending to be strong then you are free to come to me. You can lean on me when you need. I promise i will never complaint about this. You can trust me. You can rely on me. ' he said assuring you.You nodded your head.

' Taehyung ' You said as you stopped in between your tracks.

' yes ' He said as he looked at you with confusion.

'Thank you ' You said as you engulfed him in hug. He stood there froze as he didn't hug you back.

When he didn't hug you back you decided to pull back. But before you can do that taehyung hug you tightly than ever.

' Let's stay like this for sometime ' He said and you nodded.


Gamsaheyo 💜

You and i riding Harleys in hauwai
I am on the back and holding tight
Want you the take me for a ride.

DESTINED TO BE MET||Kim Taehyung||KTHWhere stories live. Discover now