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' Finally , just wait bastard ' Taehyung said as he applied brakes to his car when he reached the said address by hyunbin.

' I am gonna finish him today ' Taehyung thought to himself as he make his way towards the abandoned building.

As taehyung entered inside just darkness of cold night welcomed him. He looked at his surroundings but didn't find anyone.

Suddenly there was a source of light which got switched on. It did startle him for a bit but soon he compose himself.

' Kim, so you are here ' A very bratty voice spoke showing his very stupid face with cheap smirk. Taehyung couldn't help but gag at his cheapness.

' Welcome dear, i was exited to meet you from long. ' Hyunbin said smirking making taehyung to clench his jaw.

' What the fuck you were talking on phone, huh. You motherfucking bitch you can't insult my Yn like this. I will kill you with my bare hands. ' Taehyung said growling in anger . He was coming towards hyunbin with a wish of his death but before he can reach near him a sting pain strike at back of taehyung's head. He clutched the place and felt it little wet. When he felt his hands getting wet by liquid he placed his hands infront of his face but got shocked seeing blood there. He looked towards hyunbin with rage in his eyes.

' You blo- ' Before taehyung can complete his sentence he again felt that pain and he totally black out falling with a great thud on cold marble floor.

' Tsk. Tsk. Such a weak and dumb person. Didn't even care to inform his family before coming here. But don't worry Kim, i will do your this work happily . ' Hyunbin said to unconscious figure of taehyung smirking devilishly.

' Tae.... Taehyung , where are you ' You shout as loud as you can once you stepped inside the house. You expect him to come running towards you while smiling and engulf you in his arms tightly. But to your bad you got treated with silence.

' He is not at home ' You thought as warm tear rolled down your cheeks again and you didn't even care to stop them. Cuz at this moment you only care about him.

' We should check thoroughly ' Namjoon suggested as everyone nod. Everyone started searching him in every corner of room but you were still there on your place stiff and still.

It was not a long when the phone placed in living room ranged making you flinched badly as you were deep in your thoughts.

You looked towards the phone with your teary eyes, however you still can't ignore the tightness in your chest. Bad thoughts were continuosly disturbing you. Gathering some courage you picked up the phone with your shaky hands.

' H-hello ' You said with your shaky voice as tears were still flowing from your cheeks.

' Hii babygirl ' As soon as you heard that disgusting voice you wanted to puke right there.

' I am not interested in talking to you so cut- ' Before you can complete your sentence he cut you off with most shocked words.

' Searching for Kim Taehyung ' As soon as he said that your world stopped as your breathe become heavy.

' How you - ' He cutted you again in between which make you pissed.

' Don't dare to talk shit to me if you want him alive. ' He said making you more scared.

' I am sure you will save your lover. So i am giving you a chance for saving him. Think wisely before doing any stupid move like telling polise. No baby girl, you can't, if you do any bitchy move them forget that Kim Taehyung ever existed in this world ' Hyunbin said making your heartbeat more fast than it already is.

' Ok i will do as you say, just don't... Just don't do anything to him ' You said with your teary eyes. No matter how much you were traumatized because of hyunbin but you will don't mind obeying him if it can save taehyung's life. He matter the most to you.

' Good girl. Now listen come to the building i am telling you that also alone. Dare to inform anyone and you know the consequences well darling ' You didn't mind how much disgusted you feel when he called you with names. Now only one thing matter for you, that alone his safety.

After telling you the address he cutted the call. You placed the phone back on its place with your shaky hands. You placed your hand on your chest to calm your fast heart beat and take a deep breath to relax yourself.

' Yn you can't think anything else than him. You have to save him at any cost ' You said as you looked around the mansion for once and decided to quickly left from there without telling anyone anything.

' I hope i did the best ' With that being said you quickly left to the given address .

' So bad Kim, for whom you came all the way here, whom you wanted to protect at any cost, herself is coming here putting her dear life in danger and how can I forgot about the baby. After all i have done so much hard work to make it. ' Hyunbin said to taehyung who was tied on the chair while he was still unconscious from two continues hits.

' Keep every thing ready, i have to treat my princess well. Be prepared our special guest is coming here ' Hyunbin said to his mens laughing like a maniac.


Gamsaheyo 💜

Time is yet now ,
Right here to go,
I know, you know, anything there's know.
Time is yet now,
Right here to go,
Nobody doesn't know anymore .

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