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' Tell me baby, what happened. I will handle everything ' Taehyung said worry laced in his voice.

' Tae, he has sent a message to me ' You said looking down at your fidgeting fingers.

' Hey, look here ' he said cupping your cheeks and then he made you look at him.

' It's ok, we will handle. But Yn please don't get panic like this. You know na you matter the most to me ' He said looking at you sincerely and you just nod in response.

' But tae, i am scared ' you said showing your inner fear.

' See Yn, you know it's just matter of time. We barely know each other before but now we are together and i am not letting you go anytime soon. So just have faith in me . We will fight together in this and we will win. We have to fight Yn for both of us, for our baby. I promise i will fight for us with my blood, sweat and tears. I will protect you. You really don't need to be scared cuz i will always be your side. That bastard can't do anything if we are together. And Yn you are my strength, please be strong so i will also have strength to fight for our way. ' He said caressing your jaw with his thumbs. You lean in his touch feeling warmth and comfort.

' We will fight together and i promise i will be strong from now on. ' you said smiling at him as he responded same.

' Tae, i am agreeing with you. We will do according to this. But for this you have to come to our main headquarters and Yn also have to come ' Mr Kim said as now you both were discussing this matter with him.

You nod immediately at him but taehyung was hesitant. Mr kim notice his reactions.

' Tae i know, what you are thinking, but trust on fate. Everything will be alright. ' Mr Kim said assuring him and he nodded still unsure.

' Tae, we have to be strong ' You said patting his shoulder and he just give you a tight lip smile.

' Done, sir as you say this phone is tapped with our department. So we will know everything if any calls or messages will be recieved on this number ' The officer said to Mr Kim after doing his job recieving praise from his senior.

' So tae, now you don't have to worry . We will handle now. Just we will do according to our plan. ' Mr Kim said patting his sons shoulder receiving a nod from him.

' So you both can go home now. I will handle here. And Yn dear, take care ' He said caressing your hairs as you nod smiling.

' Tae, i am feeling little sleepy ' You said as you leaning windowpane of car.

' It's ok ynie, you can close your eyes for sometime we will reach home anytime soon ' He said smiling at you as you nod smiling ready to give your heavy a lids a peaceful nap.

Before you can let the darkness consume you your phone's sound distract you and you open your eyes abruptly.

It was message but from unknown number.

' including police, not so wise decision babygirl ' message was from unknown number but sender was well known to you. You gasped at this. As how he know everything about you.

You panicked little seeing the screen. Soon tae noticed your reactions.

' What happened ' He said placing his hands on your shoulder and you flinched badly which made him guilty and worried.

' Is everything fine ' He said in worried tone.

' Tae again h-him' You said somehow controlling yourself from completely breaking down.

His jaw clenched and you find your cue to be calm. You know better that you have to be calm now cuz taehyung lost himself completely when he is angry. You know that you can't be weak now so you decided to handle it with calmness.


Gamsaheyo 💜

Are you my bestfriend
Feels like a river rushing through my mind
I wanna ask you, if this is all just in my head
My heart is ponding tonight,
I wonder.

DESTINED TO BE MET||Kim Taehyung||KTHWhere stories live. Discover now