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' How much more time it will take ' Seokjin said tapping his feet impatiently.

' Hyung, i am trying. Be a little patience. ' Jungkook who was driving spoke little pissed.

' Yoongi call Mr Kim and ask him again that is there team ready and when are they gonna reach there? Will our plan work? ' Seokjin said again worriedly making others sigh.

' Hyung don't worry, everything is going to be alright ' Namjoon said holding his hands in his assuring his hyung.

Seokjin can't help but be worried about his younger, cuz he has saw them grown up infront of him. Being older among them, he was always protective towards his each member. He himself didn't know that when he become mom of six grown up mans. They seven are each other's strength.

' We reached ' Jungkook said applying brakes as other jolt up from there seats due to sudden brake.

' Yaah can't you drive properly. ' Jimin said scolding Jungkook.

' If i don't know driving then why you told me to drive in first place, you should have drive by yourself. ' Jungkook fired back as other just sighed.

' Can you like please shut up. We are litterely in middle of the situation of saving someone's life and you both are behaving like little kids ' Shanu said angrily making other two shut there mouth. They both look outside of the window, not before throwing a last glance at each other.

' If you both are going to behave like this then we can't help but left you both here in the car and then we will go execute our plan without both of you ' Hoseok said as both guys started whining.

' Stop it already ' Yoongi said irritated.

' Ok so everyone be serious and stick to plan, we have to save them ' Namjoon said enthusiastically as everyone nod.

' 1,2,3, Fighting! ' they all chear together as they made their way inside the building to execute there plan.

' You are not doing anything like this ' You said litterely in state of panic seeing hyunbin with gun.

' I am doing this only darling ' Hyunbin said as he chuckled loudly.

' You mo- ' Before taehyung can complete his sentence hyunbin point his gun at him, cutting him in between .

' Shuuush, you are not gonna say anything now ' Hyunbin said in extreme low voice. Then he pointed his gun towards you.

' You can't d- ' Taehyung tried to speak again but was cutted again.

' I already told you to keep quite, guess you don't love your Yn anymore.' Hyunbin said darkly making taehyung gulp.

' Ok, ok, i will do as you say but you are not going to do anything to Yn ' Taehyung said sounding desperate to keep you safe.

' Hmmm, you will do as i say ' Hyunbin said repeating his words and thinking about something but he smirk suddenly and you understand it quickly that he was having something evil in his mind.

' Yes ' Taehyung answered without thinking twice.

' Go on your knees and beg to me to kill you so that I can spare your Yn ' Hyunbin said staring directly in taehyung's eyes while his hatred was evident from his gritted teeth. You looked at him with disbelief. You turned to look towards taehyung, he was also looking at hyunbin's eyes with pure rage.

Taehyung turned towards your direction to look at you. He smiled slightly at you and you quickly understand what was his answer.

' No Tae, you can't. You can't do anything like this. We can't  trust him. He will change his statement quickly ' You state desperately trying to change his decision but he still smiled at you softly making your tears stream from your eyes.

' Be fast, i am not this patient, so hurry Mr. Kim Taehyung. ' Hyunbin said while his evil smirk never leave his face.

Taehyung bend down on his knees and he looked towards hyunbin with firm gaze.

' Kill me you bastard, but leave Yn ' Although Taehyung was on his knees, begging for your life but hatred for hyunbin was never-ending in his heart.

Hyunbin simply nodded and pointed his gun towards taehyung.

But before he can shoot him light of that place suddenly went off.

After some time lights turned on , but hyunbin was on the ground, his hand on his back, meanwhile his whole existence struggling to free himself from tight grasp of muscle bunny.

You looked your surroundings and found everyone standing there. A gentle and relieved smile take over your lips knowing that your plan has worked.

Everyone was there to save him, to save both of you, together.

' Finally after eternity you are here ' You said to everyone with little smile, hoping everyone will also be happy, but you were wrong any of them didn't replied to you, instead they started talking with taehyung ignoring your mere presence. You look towards all of them with ' What's going on ' look.

' Taehyung , are you fine. And yeah tell this brat, to not talk with any of us. We are upset with her. ' Shanu said pouting.

' Why only you, me also. I am also upset with her. How can she come here alone to save me. Is she some kind of super woman? ' Taehyung said making you look at him with disbelief.

' Can you stop your family drama? ' Hyunbin said still tackled on the floor litterely begging for little but of attention.

' Oh yea, Uncle Kim is on his way to arrest you. In cell you will got their whole attention without any lacking. ' Seokjin stated angrily as everyone else looked at him with hatred.

' I am sorry i am little late ' Mr Kim said entering with his team.

' Now i will take care of this trash. You all go home safely. ' Mr Kim said as every one nodded.

You all left from there and sat inside car, not to forgot still nobody has talked to yet.

To your shock taehyung was also doing this, making you more grumpy child. You just sit quietly and hear them talking and giggling with each other,mainly they were describing their whole plan to taehyung.

' Why they are doing this with me? ' You were looking normal from outside but from inside you were whining like a cute little child.


Gamsaheyo 💜

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Wait a minute,
I think i lost my consciousness in six dimensions.

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