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When he shouts at you after you said no for doing it
As your arranged husband
Author's pov

"Do you, Kim Y/n take Kim Taehyung as your lawfully wedded husband? "

The priest asked, you looked in his deep eyes and nodded shyly speaking,

"Yes, I do. "

"Do you, Kim Taehyung, take Kim Y/n as your lawfully wedded wife? " Turning to him the priest once again asked.

"Yes, I do. " He said confidently.

" You may now kiss the bride to seal this marriage. "  The priest backed up after saying this.

Taehyung came forward, took your hands in his hand, holding it like he might never let go of your hand, never ever in his life. The scene there in his eyes was ethereal. You could feel the flow of thousands of emotions in there.
He pecked your forehead, lovingly. Your eyes closed feeling his lips on your forehead, it's memorable.

The hooting of others standing made you both smile more. Yours and his parents were the happiest today. It's an arranged marriage for both sides but it feels like a love marriage. Both the families blessed you both with their whole heart.

Soon all the procedures are completed and it's almost night time. You were tired due to the rituals which just completed a while ago. And now you just want to go home and drown yourself in a deep slumber, and not to forget it's your first night with him too. Nervous? Like hell.

Now bidding them goodbye you both are on the way to your new house. Which is quite far from there. The journey was long and tiring too. You were dozing off sometimes.

"You can sleep, I'll wake you up once we reach. " A deep voice came which surely gave you shudders through your spine. You looked at his side face, looking charming as always. He was all focused on his driving but still he was well aware of the fact around.

But now you felt like all your sleep was long gone with his voice. His voice is damn addicting. You were staring blankly from the car window but your mind was all heeded to a point. Your first night with him.

You didn't know if you were ready for that or not. But scared of the consequences. What if he forces you? What if he breaks this marriage? What if he does something bad that you both regret later? What if he takes any wrong steps towards you? There were many what ifs in your mind which you never wanted to happen in real life.

You sighed nonetheless looking outside with thousands of questions roaming in your mind relentlessly. And soon you reached the place but wasn't aware of that. He looked at you and saw you zoning out. He called your name thrice but you didn't pay any attention to him.

He shook you with your shoulders and snapped you out from your thoughts. You blinked your eyes several times to know what actually happened.

"We reached. " He spoke first.

"Oh, okay. " You were getting out of the car but he stopped you by your wrist.

"Are you fine Y/n? I've been calling you but you didn't hear me. Is something bothering you? " He asked, his voice too soft and polite, showing his concern for you.

"I'm fine Taehyung. Maybe I'm just tired and sleepy." Not wanting to share your uneasy thoughts right now you just shrugged it.

You both are in your shared bedroom which is wholly decorated with red roses everywhere. The bed, the bathroom, the closet, everything was decorated with roses and there was a high essence of some kind of perfume.

You went inside the closet to find it full of yours and his clothes, every type and of every color. You were amazed to see this, as the wedding was held right after one month of your engagement. The changes got you awestruck. He came behind you without you noticing.

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