oneshot (3.2)

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The new year without him
Him as your cold boyfriend
Part 2
Author's pov

It's been a week since the new year. You didn't get any news of him coming back. Negative thoughts were all over your mind. No matter how hard you tried not to think so but your mind wasn't doing so.

You took a leave from the office. Just staying at your place , all hyped up with negative thoughts. You rarely ate anytime. You had dark circles around your eyes. Anyone can guess that you haven't been physically and mentally well.

He did call you these days, but always you'd reject him saying you are busy or making any excuses. He was well aware of your situation, but couldn't help. He was trying his best to get this work completed and run back to you.

It's Sunday again. Laying in your bed, you were just weeping silently, hugging the photo frame of you and him. And soon, you got a call from your best friend , Jungkook. He called you and asked for  a day out with him.

You wanted to say no, but he was fast enough to know your mood just by the words you were speaking. Having a very jolly kind of personality, and always being funny and sweet around people, whenever you are sad or mad at something your mood will be low and you won't be talking with anyone.

Forcing you to come along with him, he made you smile a little with his flirty behavior. Getting up from the bed you looked at your reflection in the mirror. Face all swollen, looking a little thin because of not eating properly and most of all your eyes, the most prettiest part of your body looked like they lost its charm.

Just by looking at yourself some memories of you and him flashback in your mind. They way he used to adore you and keep staring in your eyes. He had a kink of staring in your eyes. He used to say that the prettiest and sexciest part of your body is your eyes.

Your eyes we're of light brown color that matches your skin like the clouds with the sky. The way he used to kiss you while looking deep in your soul through eyes, you were just missing him and his everything. These thoughts made your eyes tear up a little.

Wiping the tears away , you made your way towards the closet and got some comfortable clothes. You took a warm bath and changed into them. Applying some makeup to hide the dark circles and your pale face, you took your phone from the night stand and went downstairs to wait for Jungkook.

And in no time he was outside your house and called you to come outside. Making your way towards his car you saw him standing all dressed up like going in any marriage. He had a gift in his hand, and when you reached he passed it to you.

Furrowing your eyebrows and eyeing him a question he just chuckled and handed it to you.

"It's for you m'a bestie. " Saying this he opened the car door for you and you got yourself inside and then he also sat on the driving seat.

"Open up. " He said and you did. You gasped at the gift.

"Why so shocked? " He asked, knowing that you have wanted this for a long time. But being stubborn you won't buy it yourself. It was a box full of chocolates and candies. Your mood swingers.

"Nothing, just never thought that you will ever buy me something and even this. " Saying this with a pout on your face, he faced you at your reply.

"Gosh, you know how badly I control myself for not kissing you on your pouts. My heart flutters at your behavior. " He said flirting with you just to lighten up your mood.

"Then who stops you from doing so? " Playing along with him you said and earned a chuckle from him.

"Who stops? Don't you know? Your great boyfriend Kim Taehyung. " Just by hearing his name, your face which was almost lightened up got pale. Your body feels weak. He understood your situation and mentally slapped himself for taking his name, knowing that the reason is him.

"Okay, now eat the chocolates, and tell me which one is best. And don't forget to finish this all. I got a surprise for you in this. " Looking at you and watching you take one of the chocolates from the box makes him smile a little.

It's been half an hour, you both are just roaming around the city without any destination.

"Where are we going? " You asked him.

"I don't know?! " He said, which made you look at him with such a face.

"Okay tell me where you wanna go? " He asked you and before he can take the car to another road you shouted,

"AMUSEMENT PARK" Saying this with sparkling eyes you looked at him. He just shook his head at your childish behavior.

Parking the car in the parking side, you both went inside the amusement park. He looked at you, you were quite happy after coming outside your house with him. And about the chocolates, you didn't even complete 3. The whole box was left in the car and you even forget about the surprise which Jungkook told you a while ago.

The whole day, you had fun with him. You felt a little good with him. He was your best friend and one more thing. You both were each other's first love and now ex too. When you were studying, you felt attraction towards him. And after confessing, you got to know that he likes you too. And after that you both started dating.

But after a year and half, you both broke up with mutual understanding. You both felt that it's just a teenage attraction not love. Despite breaking up with him, he told you that he will always be on your side as a best friend like you both were.

And like this, you both are still best friends and together. Taehyung still gets jealous over this man and even told you not to get friendly with him anymore. Just being an overprotective and possessive ASS for you.

It was getting late, you wanted to go back home. You even told him but he denied saying he got some more surprises for you. You are feeling too tired now, after playing and enjoying the whole day.

You were currently sitting on a bench with him. He then stood up and told you that he's going to use the washroom. Saying he left. It's been 10 minutes since he didn't come back. You got quite worried, as you stood up from the bench and looked here and there.

You found nobody. It was all silence. And the lights were getting switched off, you got a little scared. Moving a step you halted at your place. You saw that there were some movements around you.

Getting more scared, "Jungkook, are you there? " You said with a low voice.

"Y/n, I want to say something to you. " The lights focused on him. He was on his knees holding a bouquet in his hands and forwarding towards you.

You were shocked at the sudden appearance of him, the lighting and the soft music being played and the decorations. It was like a dream proposal every girl will want , but it's not the person you thought of. His words snapped you out of your thoughts,

"Y/n, I really wanted to say this to you for a long time. I regret breaking up with you. I want you once again. Can you give me a chance? To love you, to devour you and to cherish you? I know that you are not happy with Taehyung. Just give me a chance and I'll prove it. I'll make you happy, I'll never make your smile fade away ever in your life. Do you accept me, want to give me a chance again for the happiness of your life? "

You thought for a while, your mind was all messed up right now. The thoughts of Taehyung and Jungkook all mixed up. You said,

"Jungkook I'd like to… "

To be continued.


Wishing you a very good day/night!!
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