oneshot (4)

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When you starve yourself after an argument
Him as your cold husband

Y/n's pov

I woke up with a headache. I roamed my eyes around the room and saw myself in the guest room. Flashback of last night appeared in my head. A tear escaped my eyes, and I quickly wiped it off.

I went inside the bathroom to clean myself and after that I went downstairs to make breakfast for my husband. Reaching there, I saw maids working. One of them came near me bowed and asked,

"Ma'am what would you like to have as your breakfast?"

"I don't have any appetite. I'll eat later. But where is Taehyung? "

"Oh ma'am, sir has already left early today. "

Just humming at her reply I again went inside my shared bedroom and got my clothes, laptop and some other essentials. Taking these things I again went inside the guest room.

It was already noon , and throughout the morning I was working on my laptop, finishing some work. Last night we had a party organized by my company as we got a new project. And that's also the reason for our fight.

Actually it happened something like,last night I called Taehyung and told him about that party and he said that I can go but should not be home late. Happily he agreed, he is kind of possessive about me but that doesn't mean he will argue on such a small matter.

I was quite late from the party and the reason was my friend Julie got drunk and I went to drop her. And when I reached home, Taehyung was sitting on the couch with dark red eyes. As soon as I entered he said in his heavy voice,

"Where were you? "

"Taehyung, I told you right. I was at the party. "

"What time is it? I told you to come back soon. "

"Tae, listen to me… " Saying this I went near him and held his hand. But he yanked away and again said but it sounded like he was shouting at me,

"What should I listen to, huh? I told you to come back soon. Here I kept waiting for you, but do you even care? We both have been busy this last month and today I thought of spending some time together but you know what, you just want to ruin our moments. I've been calling you for the past two hours. Where is your phone? Tell me, what should I listen to? I got that you were so into your friends and colleagues that you forget that you even have a husband. Leave it, I don't want to talk about that. "

Hearing such words from him my eyes got teary. He is always like this, whenever I'm late he always behaves like this. And now this time I've to teach him some lessons. I'll not spare him this time. Thinking all this I stood up and went inside the guest room slamming the door harshly. The voice echoed inside the whole house.

And lastly I fell asleep in the guest room with a headache and some soreness in my throat.

Thinking all this I felt my eyes teary again. I felt a lump in my throat and felt thirsty. I went inside the kitchen to fetch a glass of water. Maid rushed towards me and asked,

"Ma'am, you haven't had anything since morning, it's almost past lunch time, why don't you eat something. Ma'am you wait here, I'll bring something to eat. "

"No thanks, I told you I'm not feeling well. I'll not eat and just get me a glass of water. " I said in my unusual cold tone. I never use cold tones with any of my maids. But today I'm really pissed off.

Drinking the whole glass I again went inside the room and tried sleeping. But due to feeling hungry I wasn't able to. Soon I drifted in deep slumber.

Taehyung's pov

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