oneshot (5.2)

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When your twins walk in while you both are naked || Husband
Author's pov

A week later

Taehyung has left his office early in the morning and even comes late now. The twins are also missing him and somewhere you also. And when you complained last night he replied that he will take them out today. After hearing that the twins were just too happy to spend their time with their dad after a long time.

You were currently at your home just doing rest as he has clearly told you not to do any kind of work. He has hired a nanny and also maids to take care of this household. You just picked your phone and it buzzed. It was a call from their kindergarten. You frowned before picking it up.

You attended the call and it came out that Taehyung didn't went to take them from there. As he promised today that he will be taking you all out. So you called him first thinking he might have got stuck in the traffic or anything else.

You called him. He picked up the call after three rings. "Yes sweetheart, what happened?" His voice was just so soothing that anyone could have melted there. "Tae, you didn't went to pick them up, are you busy?" You asked him. "I'm really sorry sweetheart, but I got stuck with that new project. Can you manage today with them, just ask the driver to pick them up, please."

After ending the call you sighed as there's no chance you can ask the driver to pick them up because you know how both the girls will be reacting after knowing that he didn't come. And you have to be there to calm them also the driver was on leave today. How come Taehyung forgot this, he never forgets a single thing about this house, he might be really busy with the new project. You thought to yourself.

You went downstairs, informed the maid that you are going to pick them up and there's no worry in that as it was near  also it's your second pregnancy you can drive normally, just he is taking things quite too seriously.

You reached the kindergarten and both the girls were standing near the gate with wobbly eyes and lips. They were on the verge of crying. They both looked at you and ran towards you. You apologized to the teacher and then got settled in the car again ready to see some tantrums by them.

"Where is dad?" Both of them asked. "Dad said he is  busy, baby, how about we have ice cream on our way home?" You had to change the topic as you don't want to see them crying. With a sad face they both nodded.

You drove to the nearest ice cream parlor and got the two of them their favorite one. They were enjoying themselves and then you met your best friend Jay there. "Omg Y/n, is this you? Can't believe that you got the best genes for your kids. "

She joked. She knew that you were married to Taehyung as you both were the best college couples during your time. Also after attending your marriage she moved to LA. "When did you return? Didn't even care to tell me." You both had contact for two years and then you both got really busy with your lives as you got the twins that time.

"Ahh, it's a long story. Also I lost your number." She replied. You both chatted for a while and got to know about today's plan which got canceled. The twins were really making puppy eyes when you were telling her that. Then she came up with an idea that why don't they all go together ditching their dad as he also did that to a mall for some fun.

At first you didn't really want that but seeing the twins happy you said yes. This time she drives you all to a famous mall. It was noon so not many people were there. It was also a working day. You all went inside and the twins were highly energetic to run around every space they got.

They ran here and there and as you can't run Jay went behind them. "We are going to the game section Y/n." Jay yelled and then you saw them disappearing to the game section. You slowly made your way walking by placing a hand on your bump.

While walking there you saw a very familiar figure of a man. He looked like Taehyung, but you shrugged it off thinking you might be hallucinating. But when you saw that face quite clearly it was indeed Taehyung.

He was with a woman, she came out of nowhere and kissed him on his lips. Your eyes widened seeing the sight in front of you. Your legs trembled. You felt like your world crashing into millions of pieces. His gazed also fell on you and you can say that he was shocked, beyond shocked seeing you here.

So this was his important new project that he was working on from last week, coming home late and going too early without meeting the twins. He tries to come in front of you but you stop him by showing him your hand.

You started walking fastly from there and he also ran behind you. Without caring about the nearby situation you ran from there, tears falling from your eyes making your breathing uneven.

You ran out of the mall and you were still running and you didn't see the car coming towards you. The car hit you and you fell on the road with blood everywhere. You lose all your senses and your eyelids fall into a deep slumber.

He saw you, there, with blood, reached towards you, tried calling your name but you didn't budge. Not for a moment. Just because of a silly mistake he lost everything. There was havoc due to the incident.

A particular person who was crying earlier was now laying in a pool of blood with no heartbeat for anyone, neither for herself nor for her kids nor for the unborn child nor for anyone. She wasn't anymore. Maybe she was resting in peace after seeing the unforgettable moment.

And another person who was holding her, was regretting everything he did that brought this situation in their lives. He was crying, on whom? On his fate? On his wrong doings? Or was he just mourning over her death? Was it all fake? But indeed, his heart cried, at least for a moment, his heart cried, the tears were real, they weren't faked.

A deep slumber, where nobody can return from. What wrong could have gone in their lives that he had to made such a decision in his life of cheating on his own wife. How wrong he could have gone.

These flashes came running to his mind. He shot open his eyes. Shouting out her name trying to save her. He turned to the other side of the bed just to see a woman sleeping there. She opens her eyes at the shout.

"Tae, are you okay? What happened?" It was you. He hugged you tightly and cried for a moment. He might have had a nightmare. You thought.

Breaking the hug, he was mumbling many sorrys and pecking every single inch of your face. You rubbed his back to soothe him from the panic he just had. Mumbling "it's okay, ik here." You passed him a glass of water which he accepted.

It was all a dream. Just a dream. Maybe God was trying to convey a message to him about his own action which would have turned into a dream. He was about to cheat on his own wife who he loved dearly.

He thanks to the dream for making his eyes open before anything wrong would have happened in their life's. With his beloved wife and the twins he was ready to accept the other baby with his mind all clear about the dream he had. 

The End.


It's been a while since I posted anything but I'm back now so I'll try to update regularly, I don't have any schedule here so I post when I've completed writing. Also if like to request you all to atleast leave a vote on my posts it'll give me an idea if you all are enjoying my content or not, please 😊💜✨

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