onehot (2.2)

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When you faint and later found yourself pregnant
Him as your arranged fiance
Part :: 2

Author's pov

It clearly stated that you are PREGNANT.

This made Taehyung more shocked. He trusted you. He asked you first if you need this wedding or not. If not then he'll try to move on. He was madly deeply in love with you. He felt that now there is no reason for him to live.

Jimin was there too. Standing silently not knowing what to do. You took the reports from him and checked from your own eyes and the reports were the same. No slight difference, how can there be any difference if you are checking the same reports again and again.

Taehyung felt an urge to beat the shit out of Jimin. Reason. Yes there is a reason. When you told him the first time that you were dating him, it was a secret. Nobody in your family knew about this. And that day he called you several times. When you picked the call he was crying, he heard that too.

He felt that it might be because of him. The reason must be him. His blood boiled in rage. Moved forward to beat the shit out of him. Holding his collar he was sending death glares from his eyes to him.

"How dare you do this to her. You fcking broke up with her because of some sexual problems with each other, right. She told me. I'll just kill you bastard. You must have forced her. " He shouted his lungs out and punched his face hard. His lips started bleeding.

Yes, it was true. The reason for your breakup with him was only that. The so-called sexual problem. One night you both wanted to try it. But it didn't lead to anything good. You both backed away thinking that it's not your cup of tea. Yes, you are a virgin.

But looks like he misunderstood this as you didn't complete that day as Jimin kept calling you that night and after that day Taehyung aslo never asked you. Dumb man, he should have asked you so that this would have never happened. But now the thing is if you are still a virgin then how come pregnant?

Taehyung was going to punch him again but your voice halted him for a while. " Taehyung stop. That's not what you are thinking."

" Then tell me what is it? Are the reports fake? Ohh, now don't tell me that you are not still over him and you did that with him. You are… " He barked, you can clearly see that he is saying this all in anger. He didn't mean a single word. But still it made a pang in your heart. It feels like someone is stabbing you inside your heart not only once but many times.

" Just shut your fcking mouth if you don't know anything Taehyung." Jimin spoke breaking silence this time.

And before they both can argue anymore you fainted again. Taehyung panickes seeing you like this. His heart was thumping faster, he felt that he might lose you. Right now, right there.

The doctor also came inside, sending all of them away. After some minutes he came outside and stated,

"Mr. Kim and Mr. Park, I hope that you both know this is a hospital. You can not argue like that here. And why are you making her stressed again and again. You all know that she gets nervous easily which leads her to have anxiety attacks sometimes. And what you both were doing didn't help her calm down and again she fainted. "

"This will not harm the baby, right doctor. " Taehyung asked.

"Baby, whose baby? " The doctor frowned.

"Isn't Y/n pregnant? " Jimin asked.

"Are you serious? She just fainted because of anxiety , she is not pregnant. "

"But the reports? "

" Which reports? I didn't send any reports. Wait let me check. " Then the doctor weng inside and took the reports and came outside. He was analyzing the reports clearly and after that he spoke,

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