oneshot (5.1)

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When your twins walk in while you both are naked || Husband

Author's pov

Sleeping just so soundly with each other. The couple cuddled with each other on a peaceful morning, what more happier can be than this. A happy peaceful morning with the person one would cherish throughout their life.

Taehyung opened his eyes just to see the breathtaking sight in front of him which made him smile ear to ear. His one and only love is sleeping right beside him, face puffed in the pillow, lips all red and swollen, fresh hickies alluring on every part of your body.

Your face was just looking so peaceful that no one would dare to wake you up. But you had to wake up as it's a working day and your twins might need you. His trance of looking at you broke when you moved a little in your sleep which caused him to groan.

You lazily opened your eyes to see his face lighten up. "Morning" You wished him and snuggled more into his bare chest rubbing your nose over.

"Are you planning a morning round, sweetheart." He spoke, making you realize both of your positions. He was still inside you. Hearing that your face reddens up in embarrassment.

The boldness you showed last night had led it to a very heated make out. And no matter how bold you were, your true nature of being all shy was still there. You chuckled and hit his chest lightly.

He pulled out himself. You whined at the loss of contact. He caressed your baby bump and placed a kiss on it not before placing one on your forehead and lips. You closed your eyes feeling the warmth, also not wanting to wake up anytime soon.

"Wake up, sweetheart. Our twins might walk in." He spoke, very softly.
"Let me sleep for some more minutes. I'm tired." You whined like a kid.

"Don't forget it was you who started. I didn't want to hurt either you or my baby." He laughed out loud, remembering the events of last night how you started kissing him passionately as soon as you reached your shared bedroom after tucking the twins in their bed safely.

And no one is to be blamed, it was your pregnancy hormones which caused you to behave all bold in neediness. You were hella embarrassed at his pervert talking. Your face was surely like a tomato by now. He loved teasing you. You made a pouty face which he kissed instantly.

"Okay- no more teasing. Take a bath till then I make breakfast for all of us. " He got up from the bed and wore his boxers which he ditched last night. He was about to get his pants when the room door opened revealing your twins entering.

The sudden moment made both of you gasp. The twins were even shocked seeing their parents like this. Both of the girls covered their eyes with their hands and turned around. Taehyung fastly passed you his shirt and wore his pants.

"Done?" One of them asked.
"Ye-ah." He nervously replied. Both of them turned around and jumped on the bed. Kim Tae-ri and Kim Tae-oh, your little five year old girls. Ri is totally daddy's princess while Oh is momma's baby.

Their nature is also like that. Ri is mischievous and playful like her dad while Oh is a quiet girl like you. While Oh just looks like her dad and Ri got your features. But both sisters are the apple of your eye in your whole family.

Ri got on Taehyung's lap and Oh sat beside you. She was looking down. "We are sorry. We should have knocked before entering." Oh said. You both cooed at her cuteness. Just a five year kid is so smart.

"It's okay, baby. " Taehyung ruffled her hair just to ease out the situation. "But what were you doing daddy? Mumma says it's bad to stay nakey nakey in front of others." It was Ri. Aish, this girl. Why can't she be understanding like Oh for once in her life. You thought.

Taehyung choked on his saliva. He looked at you with a frown and Ri also transfers her gaze on you. She stood up from his lap and came towards you. "Mumma, are you hurt? What's all these on your neck?" She pointed towards the hickies on your neck.

Oh also looked up after hearing Ri's voice. She also saw that, while Taehyung smiled mischievously. Your eyes widened as your mind got stucked at her words. "No princess, you see that?" He said. They both nodded at his words.

"That's what we were doing." He smirked. "Huh?" They both said in unison. While you glared at him for saying such a thing to them. "Those red marks are of any insects which bit mumma last night, baby. It was a giant mosquito. She was telling me to check if there are any more and I was also checking myself if any mosquito had bitten me or not." They both nodded in understanding.

"Also, mumma why were you crying last night? We heard that." You both gasped. These kids are hearing too much. "Was the baby hurting you, mama?" Oh placed her little hand on your baby bump and you can clearly see some faint tears in her eyes. She is too soft, she would start crying after seeing anyone hurt, let it be a cartoon character even.

"Humm, a little baby. Ouch!" You spoke and the baby kicked because maybe he understood that it was a clear lie. You placed her hands where the baby just kicked and she looked at you. You smiled at her, "look, your baby brother is doing that again." They both giggled.

"Baby brother, just come fast and don't hurt mumma please. " She pecked your bump while Ri also came forward and kissed the bump. The tension above was eased as the topic was just changed.

"Daddy, how many babies can we have?" Ri spoke looking at him with puppy eyes. "I want five, but how many my princess wants, huh?" He showed her five fingers. "Let's have 100 babies. Noo let's have babies full of this house. " She jumped on Taehyung's arms and hugged him after saying this. While you and Oh shook your head because the daughter-father duo share the same brain cells. You were disappointed but not surprised.

"Are you ready to fulfill my princess wish, sweetheart. " He whispered, huskily in your ear earning a smack on his hand. He laughed out loud, while the twins also giggled.

His phone buzzed which got all of your attention. He took it from the night stand and went to the balcony to attend the call. He picked it up and placed it near his ear. "Daddy, I miss you. It's been a week since we met. When are you coming?" It was the sweet voice of a lady.

"Trust me baby, I'm also eager to meet you. Also you know in what situation I'm. I'll make it up to you tonight, okay. Love you so much." He kissed the phone and ended the call.

He came to the room. You asked him whose call it was. "It's from the office, Y/n. We are having a new project. I might come late tonight."

He picked both the girls from the bed and placed them on the floor. "Okay, now both of you get ready for your school fast, don't disturb mumma. I'll be making breakfast. Come fast, hurry up. "

To be continued...


Posted after so long🤧
I've been so busy with my personal life and exams that i didn't got enough time to write and post, I'll try to be active more often💜💜

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