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When you visit him with your baby on his shoot; Secret Husband

Author's pov

You were sitting on the couch scrolling through your phone while your son Hanbyul was lying and drinking milk from his feeder. It was a very peaceful day and your husband has gone out as today is his shoot for his new song.

You both got in a relationship after you found out you were pregnant with his child. You were just 20 and didn't want to keep that but he promised that he'll take care of everything and made you keep the baby.

And trust me, the whole pregnancy that man kept his words. He not only took great care if you had the baby but also made you fall for him in no time. After Han was born he proposed to you and you both got married in low key just with his parents and some of his friends.

Your parents got divorced at your very young age so you didn't know your mother was and also you left home so probably don't know how your father is doing. You were deprived of family but after meeting him everything seemed too special to you. Especially him.

So it was still a secret from the world except his friends and family members. Few days back there was a scandal of him dating someone and after hearing the news you were quite upset but he definitely made it up to you. And the one with the scandal was none other than his classmate who he dated back during his college times.

And due to that his company has to make a statement that he is married and even has a kid and fue yo privacy reasons everything is kept confidential for the time being.

These thoughts were wandering in your mind until a call interrupted you. It was Jungkook. "Jungkook?" You murmured. Hearing his kookie uncle's name Byul stand up from his place and spoke, "kookie" In his sweetest voice. "Yes baby, it's kookie uncle. Let's see what he's saying?" You picked up the call.

"Noona, come to the xxx area, we are shooting there." Jungkook said. "But why should I? And if people recognize us it will be a problem. " You replied. "You can see us shooting, I know you never got the chance to do it, right. " He spoke back. "But what if Taehyung gets mad over that?" You asked.

"Dada.. Dada.. " Byul started speaking in his own language while clapping his hands. "Looks like Byul wants to visit us, come fast we are waiting. " Saying this he ended the call. While Byul looked at you with puppy eyes and you couldn't resist.

You picked him up and changed his clothes while you also changed into something presentable. You took a sling bag and kept some necessary things along with a drawing Byul just made with crayons. You took out his trolly and made him sit there comfortably.

After locking the door you made your way out to the place where they were having a shoot. It wasn't far away and was just some walking distance. Soon you reached the place, it was too crowded to move forward.

You somehow got the chance to enter but then there was a security guard who stopped you. "Excuse me miss, you can't enter." "I know someone here. " You replied politely. "Huh, who do you know?" You looked here and there for Jungkook but he was nowhere to be found.

"Miss, you are a mother of a child, please leave before we take any actions against this. " The security guard warned. "I really know someone. " You tried again. "Who do you know? " His voice became a little harsh this time.

"Kim Taehyung." You annoyedly spoke. He started laughing at your words. "Miss, do you think you can fool us? There, can you see the line ? They all know Kim Taehyung. You are nothing… "

Before he could complete his lines you shouted, "I'm his wife. I'm Kim Taehyung's wife, do you hear me?" Everyone standing there was in shock seeing you shouting at the security guard like that.

There you saw Jungkook rushing towards you while you can also see Taehyung there. "I'm sorry noona, I never thought you would come this early. " He said in a teasing tone. You glared at him while the guard looked down in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry I didn't know. " He apologized. "It's fine. " You replied and moved forward where the shoot was going on. Jungkook took Byul from his cart and started playing with him.

You saw him all dressed up. The upper three buttons were open and a pendant was there. His hair was done nicely, it wasn't messy like it is at home. Both of your eyes met and blood rushed to your cheeks making it a shade of red.

After some shots he came towards you and hugged. "I never thought you'd visit me during my shoot. Did you really miss me that much?" He asked. "It was Jungkook who called me asking to come. Also Byul was missing you. " "Only Byul?" He asked again.

You ignored his question while he chuckled sweetly. All the eyes we're on you both as it was your first public interaction with him. You felt shy seeing all those people adoring you both. Also you heard some compliments about Byul.

"He's so cute." "He surely took after his mother." "They look so good together." "Wish them happiness forever."
People were mumbling with themselves. You snapped out when you realized you had to show him the drawing.

You took it out and passed it to him. "Byul drew it." He looked at the drawing and it made him teared up. "Did he… really? " You nodded. "-ahh, I'm crying at this. It's so cute. " He exclaimed.

Byul was the center of attention. Everyone was busy adoring him. Taehyung also checked on him for a while. While everyone's attention was not on you both he dragged you towards an empty room.

While entering the room he pinned you towards the wall and looked in your eyes making your knees feel weaker under his dark gaze. You gasped at the proximity of distance between you both.

It was nothing new but everytime he was this close to you you always felt weak and everything seemed new to you. He placed a hair strand behind your ear .

"What are you doing Tae? We will get caught like this. " You tried to push him away but he was strong enough to get a hold of you. "So what? Also this is an empty room nobody comes here. " He moved more forward, his body was pressing on yours.

You had lost your sanity over there. He placed his lips over yours. He kissed you and you kissed him back. The kiss was so intense and hot that everything felt so hot and steamy there.

The kiss was interrupted by a knock. He groaned and opened the door, seeing Jungkook standing there with Byul in his hands. "Hyung, can you even control yourself? Byul is still small and I see you are planning for another. " He passed Byul to him and went downstairs.

Byul pooped in his diapers that's why he came there. You changed his diapers and you both went downstairs. You stayed throughout the shoot with them. It was the best evening you spent with all of them.

Also the public appearance was made, it was strictly ordered not to leak any pictures of you and Byul and everyone accepted it. After the shoot you all went to have dinner together.

When you were having dinner you felt a hand on your thighs and when you looked it was Taehyung. You passed a glance at him and he smiled softly acting like nothing actually happened.

He started rubbing it making you jolt your body. You choked badly when he grabbed it hard. He passed a glass of water all innocently and whispered in your ear, "I can't wait for tonight baby girl. "

The End.

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