oneshot (3.3)

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The new year night without him
Him as your cold boyfriend

Author's pov

You thought for a while, your mind was all messed up right now. The thoughts of Taehyung and Jungkook all mixed up. You said,

"Jungkook I'd like to..." Before you could say anymore an unexpected voice halted you.

"Sir, I told you right. She is cheating on you. She is just a s!ut. She was just after your money, look at her having a boyfriend and accepting her ex's proposal too. B!tch." It was his secretary Lia standing beside him.

You were quite shocked to see them here. They were dressed in formal looks like they just came back from a long flight. You wanted to be in his embrace right now but the situation made you not do so.

Jungkook stood up from his place and stood beside you. Both the males made eye contact and it looked like they would have a war right now. Lia, his secretary, was feeling too happy internally.

"H.O.W.D.A.R.E.Y.O.U." Taehyung said and moved forward to punch Jungkook's face. Y/n was scared now, not knowing what is going to happen anytime soon.

Jungkook also fisted his right hand and now both the males were going to punch each other and a thud sound was heard. You closed your eyes due to fear and a lone tear escaped your eyes.

You wanted to die right now. Both your boyfriend and your best friend were fighting in front of your eyes and you are the one to be blamed. You felt like that. But when you opened your eyes the sight got you off guard.

Both the pretty males hugged each other and laughed. You didn't understand what actually happened. Parting away Taehyung spoke first,

"Miss Lia, can you bring the bouquet from my car? "

She didn't moved from there then again Taehyung snapped her out by a loud voice,


"Huh, yes Sir. I'm jus-"

"Just go. Don't waste my time. "

She left. Taehyung came close to you and hugged. You felt like crying at this moment. You hugged him back. He looked at you and leaned for a kiss. Without resisting you gave in. A couple of minutes later you both heard a coughing sound. It was Jungkook.

" Guys, don't make me feel single here! "

You just snuggled in Taehyung's chest and he just laughed out loudly.

"Thanks bro. "

"Mention not. She is my best friend and I can't see her unhappy. And one more thing if I see her again like this I'm surely gonna propose to her and make her mine. "

"You won't get that chance, Jungkook"

"Better keep your word. " Saying this Jungkook got a call and a big smile appeared on his face.

"You better go. She must be waiting for you. "

"Yes. Then bye, I gotta go now. "

"Wait. What is happening here? I didn't understand. " You said as you were all confused at their behavior.

"He will tell you all. And one more thing, don't get pregnant before your marriage. I won't be babysitting your child on marriage day. " He laughed after saying and left running .

Your eyes showed how shocked you were at the moment. Gulping down the saliva you looked at him and saw him smirking at you.

Lia also returned till then and passed the bouquet to him. He took and kneeled in front of you. And stated,

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