oneshot (1.2)

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Shouting at you after you said no for doing it
Him as your arranged husband
Part : 2
[ Read part 1 for better understanding. ]

Author's pov

It's been 15 days he is ignoring you. He usually doesn't come home. He stays at his office mostly. Comes at midnight and goes back early in the morning. You don't know what he is doing right now. Don't even know who is at fault? Is it you or him?

Whenever you wake up you always find that his place is empty. There's no trace of him that he even slept. You were scared of losing him. Yes, scared. You were in love with him all these days but never confessed.

How he behaved that night didn't feel like he was himself at that time. It felt like he was possessed with something. His nature is really not like that. He was always so caring and helpful to you in these six months .

He never asked, neither talked about doing it in those days, then how come he forced you? You were so tense that was he feeling any kind of problems in his life, what made him behave like this towards you?

Same day, your in-laws called you and told you that they will join you for dinner. They asked about him also and you lied that everything is okay between you both. You don't want them to stress about you.

Then you tried calling him, but he rejected everycall of yours and then the phone was dead. You sighed and went to do the house chores and also to do some preparing for the dinner.

At night. They all came, his father, mother and younger sister. You never had a good bonding with your parents but they were what you always wished for. The way they cared and did everything with and for you in these past months was proof why Taehyung was also like this. He got it as an inheritance from his parents. But still there lies the question why he behaved like that?

You smiled that evening a lot. It was what you missed in 15 days, the heratfull smile. His mother sensed that something was off between you two but didn't nudged and asked anything. She knows that it's a couple's privacy and when things go off board she will surely ask.

The table was all set for dinner now. He came at that time. And directly went to the room. It was the first time you saw him after days. He didn't even greet his parents. You looked at his mother and she motioned you to go to him.

When you entered the room he was about to enter the bathroom. He was standing shirtless. Without wasting any time you back hugged him. He startled for a while but sensed it was you. He tried to back away but you were stubborn to leave him right now.

"Y/n, what are you doing? Just leave me." His voice was unusually cold.

"No, first listen to me. '' Tears brimmed in your eyes as you spoke.

He sensed some tears falling on his back and turned towards you. He saw your eyes full and it made his heart clench. He took your hands in his and made you look at him. His eyes were so soft, holding many emotions and mostly full of guilt.

You took off your t-shirt and it made his eyes wide and before he could speak anything, you stated ,

"I'm ready Taehyung, you can do anything. I'll not stop you from now. Just don't ignore me. I can't live like this. I will do whatever you want but please don't leave me ever. I'll die if you do anything like this. I've been in love with you. Yes, I love you. I love you Taehyung."

The sudden confession made him break down. He started crying and hugged you instantly. How much of a pure soul you were that you are all ready to accept a man who might have cheated on you. The reason is being deprived of love. You never wished that anyone would love you until you tasted what realloves meant to him. He became your everything. Everything.

"Y/n, you don't deserve me. You are too pure. Too good for me. I've been a jerk to you that night. I tried..tried to force you. What kind of a man forces his own wife for such things? I'm ashamed of myself. You didn't ask me about where I was that night though you confessed. You expressed yourself. Whereas I was just ignoring you rather than solving this between us. I was just trying to distance you from me. But I couldn't. At last I lost to myself. I can't ignore you, I fcking can't. That night. I learned that someone mixed something in my drink. And that took over me. I behaved like that because of that. I wasn't myself at that time. That medicine took over me. I lost my mind and forced you. And thanks very much for that slap or else I don't know what I'd have done to you and I'd have never forgotten myself for doing so. Ignoring you made me realize how important you are to me. I don't know how I lived  these days without you, without your glimpse. I'm madly in love with you. I'm all ready to accept your punishment. I deserve that. "

It was clear from his voice that what he did, he was guilty. And now you know that he was drugged but there still lies a thing in your mind what he actually did? Did he cheat you? Your heart was thumping at a speed that it can explode against your ribcage any soon.

"I know what you are thinking. But trust me, I never did anything like that. I was in the office room downstairs all night. The drug was too strong and it made me feel itchy all over my body. I scratched that. It was because of that. If you don't trust me you can check the CCTV. I was there all the time. I knew that I'm dangerous right now so I never stepped outside. "

Now everything is clear. He loves you and you do the same. Sometimes a misunderstanding makes a couple realize each other's importance in their life and this happened with you. You were too blessed to have a husband like that.

" I can never touch any other woman in my life, let alone the thought of touching. I can't even look at them. You are all I have and will. If you'll say no I'll never do anything against you. Even if you want I can die virgin for you. Y/n, I want to tell you something very special. I know that you were forced in this marriage but from my side I always loved you. Your parents wanted you to get married for a business deal. But trust me I always loved you and will do also. I love you forever. Forever. "

You broke down more. His words were true. He seemed serious. And now his words own your heart. You were still in his embrace not caring that you both were half naked. The knock on the door and the voice got you back.

"Oppa, are you both coming downstairs or I should tell mom that you are busy with your wife. " It was Taejon, she is always like this.

He cursed at her for destroying the moment and you hit his chest lightly. Getting dressed properly he pecked your forehead. Kisses on the forehead are far better than lip kisses. You both went downstairs to have dinner.

It felt like it was the best day in your life. You never felt that much love in your life. His parents, sister and him, everyone was so considerate towards you that you can't even express how blessed you feel right now.

And now the only thing left is you giving yourself to him. It was never like you were never ready. It was just you wanted to know him first and trust him. As it is, it was a forced marriage by your side and you were a little scared about it too.

You will make your first time too special not only for you but also for him. In three months it's his birthday. The very special gift for him is you and how can you say no now when he wholeheartedly accepted that he can wait till his death. Death.

The end.

Wishing you a very good day!!
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