oneshot (1.3) 🔞

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Gifting him yourself on his birthday
Him as your arranged husband
[ Explicit content ahead. Read on your own. ]

Author's pov

It's his birthday today. And as you thought that the best gift for him can't be better than you, yourself. That man had the audacity of not touching you even when he was damn hard like rock. Your words seemed like they were scripted in his mind. Once you thought that he would do stuff with you and you were also okay with that, gosh but that man was damn on his words of not doing anything with you without your consent.

After the party at his parents home you both were home. Everything was perfectly arranged without his knowing with the help of your best friend. He kept asking for his gift and you simply replied that it's home. And he was all excited to know what it was.

Reaching home the first thing he did was to look for his gift like a little kid. Not finding it anywhere in the living room, he frowned and looked at you. Then you signaled him that it's upstairs and without wasting any time you both were in the room. He eyes in clear shock.

The room was fully decorated with roses just like the wedding night and it reminded both of you the same. His imagination was going wild by now. He was utterly shocked because he clearly thought that the gift can never be this. Never, nonetheless who he was to think like that.

He was looking at you to say something. And you did so.

"Tae, I thought of everything that I can give you. And then I thought that I can give you the best. The only thing I can give you. And now I'm giving you myself because there is nothing or no one I would trust to have my heart and not to break it. I trust you with my whole heart. " 

"Y/n, are you really saying what I'm thinking right now. " He said, doubt and confusion clearly plastered on his face.

" Yes, Taehyung. I want you to make love to me. "

Your words were enough for him to engulf you in his embrace. But still he was hesitant. You knew that he would be. Keeping your hands on his shoulders you leaned to kiss him.

"You'll be the death of me. " He mumbled before capturing your lips in his. The kiss was full of love and passion. He shoved his tongue in your mouth and you gladly accepted which caused you to moan in the kiss. The melodious sound caused him to have some courage and he took you up by your thighs moving towards the bed which is covered with the rose petals. The room was also glistening with the candle's dim lightning.

He pulled back his lips with the lack of oxygen between you both and he can clearly see you breathing heavily with your cheeks slightly red. You pulled him back and started unbuttoning his shirt. He chuckled.

"I'm not going anywhere, Mrs. Kim. " He was looking at your bare neck and the urge to mark them was not making him stay still.

"And I'm not letting you go anywhere too, Mr. Husband. " You were done unbuttoning his shirt and moaned when he started marking your neck sinfully. His upper body was naked in front of you. Your eyes glued to his chest. He looked at you, gawking at him.

Taking your hand he started tracing his perfectly toned abs. You moaned lightly. He started unzipping your dress now not before taking permission from you. You were almost naked in front of him just in your undies. You felt a little shy and covered yourself with your hands.

"Don't. Just don't do this. You are perfect. Beyond perfect." His words made you relax.

"Kiss me. " You ordered. And who he was to not to obey it. He started kissing you softly but soon it turned into a heated one. He again took your hands in between the kiss and made you feel his muscles.

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