oneshot (7.1)

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When he is insecure about your love for him ; Cold Arranged Husband

Author's pov

"So finally you both decided to come after being late for an hour, huh? What was that important to you both?" Your mother scolded you as you both entered your house.

"Mom, Taehyung had some work to do that's why we got late. " You smiled nervously. She looked at Taehyung and said, "What important work you had? Couldn't it wait for tomorrow?"

"No Mom, it was too urgent. I can't wait till tomorrow. It was sooo important. " He side eyed you seeing your flustered face. He smirked at you while you laughed nervously. [ he is talking about his important work which he completed after seeing his wife all ready for the party, I hope you get what I mean ಥ_ಥ)

"Where is Dad? " You changed the subject as it was too much for you to handle. "He's inside. " Replying she went inside leaving you both alone. You hit his arm for almost exposing and he laughed at your overwhelmed face.

You huffed and went inside while he was still giggling. "Wait, baby. " He walked behind you. There were many businessmen attending this party today. You went to your mom while he attended those people as he knows them all. Your dad also went to the group who was chi chatting.

After a while he looked here and there to find you, but couldn't. He looked towards your mother yoo but you weren't there. He found you in a corner. You were rubbing your back which was a bit. He ran towards you. "Y/n." He mumbled. You saw him coming and in an instant you changed your pained expression and removed your hand from your back.

He came in front of you. "What happened Taehyung? " You asked, frowning. "No, tell me what happened to you, you look in pain? " He asked worriedly and rubbed your back with his hands. "No, I'm all fine. " You replied. Still he was not convinced with your answer. He was still looking worried for you.

You hugged him while he hugged you back. "I'm all good and fine, Tae. You don't need to worry about anything. " He sighed as it's of no use to ask you and let it pass for now. The party continued for some more hours and then you both left for your house.

The evening was too tiring. You wanted to reach as soon as possible and cuddle with your husband. Your back was slight in pain too but you can't show it to him and don't want him to worry over nothing. He is very overprotective of you and would only blame himself which is not true.

You reached your house and hurriedly went inside your shared bedroom. You hissed in pain when you kneeled down to grab the slippers that were nearby under the bed, maybe when you both were intimate before and were rishi this might have gone under.

Taehyung looked towards you quickly while coming out of the bathroom after changing into comfortable clothes. He frowned and rushed towards you. "Y/n! "

You smiled at him and was going to assure him that everything is alright but he shushed you. He is nit a fool to see you in pain and he felt a pang in his chest knowing the reason is him. He pick you up in the bridal style and lay you down gently on the bed.

He got a tube to apply on your back. He turned you towards your back and started applying the tube. You tried to tell him that it's nothing to worry about but seems like your voice was nothing in front of his insecurity. He was internally blaming himself for going rough on you for some temporary pleasure and hurt you.

Just because of him you are in pain. How dare he give pain to that person who loves him and trust him more than anyone in this world. He's not even looking in your eyes. His eyes are holding nothing but guilt. He took a painkiller and passed it to you with a glass of water.

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