oneshot (7.2)

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When he is insecure about your love for him ; Cold Arranged Husband

Author's pov

The morning came too soon for the couple and it was too dreadful for both of them as they didn't even have each other together. You didn't visit your bedroom and slept in the guest room last night. You must have come into your bedroom last night.

Because if you would have seen him laying on the floor same place where he was standing last night all curled up in a ball and cried whole night and didn't sleep for a minute, sobbing.

Your heart would have shattered into millions of pieces seeing him in that state, anyone would have felt that way seeing the most cold hearted person crying pathetically looking so small and vulnerable for a most precious person of his life.

He opened his eyes which caused him to shut them in an instant because of the sting of pain he felt in his eyes. His heart was heavy and filled with hurt, guilty, pain, regret and fear of losing you. He felt dizzy when he tried to stand up from his place.

He dragged his body towards the bathroom to take a shower and feel a little relaxed under the cold water but that cold water made his body feel more numb and it was hurting more. The thought of you leaving him was enough to kil! him without any weapon or po¡son.

He dresses up lazily and went downstairs to find you and beg for your forgiveness. He stepped downstairs and saw the already made breakfast served on the table.  You were in the kitchen and when you saw him your legs made it's way towards him after seeing him all pale and eyes puffy and red but your steps halted after the last night's moment hit you.

You walked pass him without sparing any glare. "Won't you eat Y/n? " He asked, his voice was weak, which showed that his heart was really hurting and he was regretting every single word he said last night. "I'm not hungry." You replied, the coldness of your voice reached through his ears which caused him more pain not only in his heart but also with more guilt as you were the most bubbliest person and you being this cold is nothing but just a start of this relationship coming to an end. And he will never want that, I repeat never. He is nothing without you.

You walked back upstairs. He sat on the dining table eyeing the breakfast you prepared. His eyes felt teary and head dizzy, he shrugged the negative thoughts and tried to stay still but all in vain. He couldn't hold himself anymore and tears left his eyes like an ocean. He couldn't even eat the breakfast you made because the guilt in him was more than his appetite.

He also walked upstairs with no energy in his body to the guest room where you were staying the night and knocked. Nothing came as a reply. "I'm sorry bab-, Y/n. Please talk to me. " He voiced out. But again he heard nothing but some sobs. He knew that now you need time to overcome his words. Anyone would have reacted the way you did, it was really very silly of him to say something like that. You were like a ray of light in his dark world and letting you go would be like staying in dark forever.

"I'm leaving. " He said. He couldn't stand there anymore because the sobs were getting more louder with the time and he doesn't know what he'll end up doing after hearing you cry like this. His heart hurted the most right now. You cried in the room at the misery of yours. You wanted to do nothing but yo engulf him in a hug and tell him that it was not okay last night, what he said hurted you and make him promise that he'll never say such things again in his life.

You both are just made for each other, just each other. Like a flower to the butterfly, like a ray of sunlight to the darkness, like a poem to the poet, just like how Kim Y/n belongs to Kim Taehyung and like Kim Taehyung belongs to Kim Y/n. Just for each other.

He ran away from there, too cowardly to hear more sobs that were scratching his already painful heart brutally. Meanwhile you were also trying to calm yourself down and not to do anything which you might regret later. A night without him was a torture for you and seeing his not so good state made your heart drop but you hold yourself for you both.

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