oneshot (2.1)

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When you faint and later found yourself pregnant
Him as your arranged fiance
Part 1
Author's pov

February 14 means the day of your engagement with your arranged fiance, Kim Taehyung. Gosh, the man he is. Anyone can fall for this person. The charm he holds and the effects too. You couldn't even talk to him properly because of his orbs and sensation around him.

And also having  anxiety around strangers and your introverted nature you couldn't help but to make distance between you both for the past months. But this man had some other plans. He made you fall for him in just 2 months. Is it enough for a person to fall for someone in just two months with barely meeting each other, lack of communication and the silence between both the people. Well, yeah it happened. The silence spoke with each other and falling for him was the easiest thing you might have ever done in your life.

The first meeting with him. Never knew they were here to talk about your both marriages. He was your cousin's best friend. You have met him once or twice in your whole life. You were never so talkative or expressive of yourself or your thoughts. And about being good with boys, nah impossible. You always kept a mitre gap between you and any other male. Just close with your own brother, dad and one cousin and a male best friend. No one else.

That day when you both were sent to your room to talk sometime, you were nervous like hell. Could feel that you might faint at any point of your life. And one more thing you embarrassed yourself almost five times in front of him and that man couldn't stop himself from laughing out loud.

You thought that he might be a pervert because of his behavior with you. But with time you understood the real gentlemen he is. The way he is. The way he talks. The way he walks. The way he does everything for you. Damn, he can make every girl in his life go on her knees for him. He holds such duality in himself that once he is as cold as ice and the other as light as feathers.

One thing you liked about him the most is his silent nature and his way of understanding things. He never likes to rush things. The many dates you have been with him, firstly he took you to the grand restaurants and all. But when you told him that you were never interested in fancy things and took him once to a minimal cafe he was amazed that how can two people have the same thoughts.

And since then the dates you have been weee grand amazing. The beach dates, the late night river views, the silent dates in a park or garden were like you found a soulmate in him. You wanted to cherish this person a lot in your life. A Lot like you can't express how much.

One more thing. When you told him about your ex on the very first meeting with him, he wasn't amazed, but the thing he said made you amazed.

"So what if you had a boyfriend. I don't have any problem. Just tell me if you are not over him and want him back. I'll definitely help you out as a friend and will do my best . Also tell me if you are being forced in this marriage I can go against them. Just think of me as a friend, you are an amazing person. I've heard alot about you from my parents. They have become your number one fans in my house. Just one thing I want to tell you is that my everyday life starts with my parents talking about you and ending with them not forgetting to mention you. You have become a part of my life even though you didn't come. And you will stay forever even though you don't. I don't know if I'm in love with you or not but yes I really like you alot. Alot. Just a lot. "

Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. DAMNNNNNN. That day you surely felt thousands of butterflies in your whole body when he spoke those words in his raspy voice with his eyes glistening with every mention of yours in his life. I told you right that he can make any girl go on her knees for him and currently you were feeling the same. Your knees weakened at his words. Shiver runs down your spine like a river flows down on a cliff.

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