Chapter 2 Alby's P.O.V

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I woke to boys screaming. I opened my eyes and came face to face with a creature. I screamed and fell off the bed. The other boys were screaming to and most of them stood against the walls with no windows.

I looked back at the window I slept next to. It was not a creature it was a human, well it used to be human. It's face was covered in red sores and so was its hands that covered the bars in front of the window. It kep screaming the same thing over and over again.

"Kill me! Kill me! Kill me."

I stood up and walked towards the doors. I tried the handle but it was locked. No. Why is it looked? I have to get to Ashton.

"We have to get out of here!" I yelled.

"The door is locked you shuckface." Minho said.

"Is there something we can use to break the knob?"

I looked around the room. The screaming from the windows seemed to be getting louder. I need to get out if here! I need Ashton.

"Here use this." Owen said and handed Thomas a fire extinguisher.

I was pushed out of the way and Thomas began to hit the door knob. The knob fell out and the door creaked opened. Minho pushed it opened and we were met with darkness.

I walked out into the darkness and headed in the direction they took Ashton last night.

"Alby get back here!" Newt yelled.

I ignored him and kept walking. I kept running into things that were hanging from the ceiling. Don't remember things hanging from the ceiling?

"Watch out for tables." Newt said and a screech sounded from behind me. "Here it is."

The lights came on and I saw what was hanging from the ceiling. It was the people who saved us. I quickly scanned the room to see if one was Ashton.

Thank god she was not with them. I made it to her door and tried the knob. It was locked. I pounded at the door and called for her. No answer.

I then noticed something on the wall next to the door. There was a plague an it read 'Teresa Agnes Subject A1 The Betrayer'. But Ashton's name was not on it.

"Thomas bring me the fire extinguisher."

I was handed the extinguisher and began pounding on the door. The knob fell and I pushed the door opened.

I pillow and cover were on the floor and the bed across from it the sheets were just pulled back. The sound of running water came from a closed door in the corner.

"Guess there in the bathroom." Thomas said and sat down on a bed.

We all sat down and waited for them to come out of the bathroom.When the door opened at boy walked out. He had tanned skin and black hair.

What! Were is Ashton. The door slammed shut and I got up and grabbed the boy by the collar of his shirt.

"Where are the two girls at! Where are they?" I yelled.

"I don't know what your talking about." The boy said and put his hands up.

I dropped the boy and walked over by the door and tried the knob. It was locked. Why is it locked? Where is Ashton?

"What is your name?" Thomas asked.

"Aris Jones."


After they talked we walked back out into the common area. A TV sat in the middle of the room. The screen was on and showed Thomas, Ashton and Minho. Their lips were moving put you could here what they were saying. They were all dress in there running gear. Ashton looked younger and skinnier.

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