Chapter 6 Ashton's P.O.V

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"She told be to get away. Told us to run and stay away from her. Then she kissed me." Thomas said and tears began to fall from his eyes.

I pulled him closer and began to rub his back. He put his head on my shoulder and sniffed. I hate wicked. I hate them so much for putting Thomas through this.



"What did Katie mean when she said that you should have just let her kill me? And when she said you killed dad?" He asked sitting up and wiped the tears off his cheeks.

"When you were three and I was five is when the flare started. Both mom and dad caught it. But it was slowly taking mom but dad was gone fast. Before he was completely gone he told me he was leaving so he didn't hurt us. Katie thinks that I killed him. I was five all I knew was that he was sick and I tried to help him. Katie killed mom and mom was even that bad. She was going to kill you but I took you when she was asleep and we ran away.

I know you life his horrible and I'm sorry for that. But please don't hate me. I thought I was doing the right thing by saving you. Ever since wicked took you from me I tried and tried to get you back. I was so close one time but they got me and I was sent into the maze. And once I remembered you and knew Katie was working there I took the job as a runner very seriously. I was the one that began to find the words to the code. She's right you were probably better off dying instead of going through this."

I stared down at the ground as tears began to fall. I know he hates me. I was the one that put him through all this.

"I don't hate you. And like you said earlier you gave me a life it may not be the best. I also watched you in the girls maze. I remember you finding out some of the words. When that Griever stung me that was the memory that help get the words. But at that time I couldn't figure out who you were and why I had this feeling that I should know you. And besides my sister is a badass! When you were gone those three days we watched videos of you in the girls maze. You were fighting Grievers, saved that little girl Emmy, and was the leader. You are badass! And you have to teach me some fighting moves." He said and smiled.

I laughed and smiled back and he gave me a hug. I haven't seen he smile in so long. That goofy grin that has never changed since he was a kid.

We walked back to the group who had settled down and got ready for bed. Thomas gave me one last hug and said goodnight. I walked over to Alby who was already half asleep. He gave me a lazy smile as I sat down.

"Night Ashton." He said and wrapped his arm around me as I laid down.

I woke to strong wind that blew Alby and I's blanket off. I tried to catch it but is was long gone. Least me still had one blanket left to carry food. The others were having the same probably with the wind. Thomas began to chase his but came up empty handed.

"Everyone up we leave in three mintues." Minho yelled.

Alby handed me the bag of water and an apple. When I finished it was time to leave. Minho told Alby and I to bring up the rear. Alby held my hand me hand as we walked.

As we got closer to the town the clouds became darker. It was going to rain and be a bad strom.

The wind picked up and brought the scent of rain. I couple minutes later it began to rain and thunder and lighting.

"Run towards the building!" Minho screamed as Alby's hand left mine and a blinding one light blasted me backwards.

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