Chapter 3 Ashton's P.O.V

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My back was against cold cement. My hands were tied together and rested on my stomach. Pain. I could feel pain all over my body. What did they do to me?

I heard footsteps and tried to open my eyes. They would not open. I tried to move to talk. I could not do either.

I voice began to talk. I would know that voice anywhere. It was Jensen. The man the beat me and took Thomas for me.

"Everything that has happened to you has happened for a reason. The course of your lives will effect humanity. It is now time to began phase two." He said.

There was a muffled voice. It kinda sounded like Minho. Then there was another voice and I knew it was Newt do to his accent.

"A virus has wiped out most of the population. It is still out. You have all been injected with the virus. You have to weeks to get through the scorch. You will go to the mountains and if you're successful you will be given the cure. Do you understand?"

There was a moment of silence and nobody talked. They must have nodded there heads because he began to talk again.

"At six in the morning you will walk through a flat trans. No later and no earlier then that time. If you do not got through there will be punishments. Do you understand?"

"What kind of punishment." Minho asked.


Silence filled the room. Thomas would be ok. Him and I travelled across the land after the flares. But those people that caught the disease aren't fun. I had to kill one of them.

"Remember tomorrow at six. Right at six."

I sat up with a gasp. My body didn't hurt anymore. I looked around the room and Jensen was there. The other side of the room was just a shimmering gray wall. Where are the boys?

I stood up and walked towards the shimmering wall. It disappeared and I was tackled by Thomas. I stumbled backwards but caught myself. He stood up and grabbed my arms.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes I'm fine."

I gave him a hug then Alby pulled me away. He kissed my forehead and then hugged me. As I was hugging him I saw food sitting on the table in the middle of the room. I pulled away and grabbed his hand and walked towards the table.

"You hungry?" Newt asked.

"How long have we been here?" I asked.

"Three days."

"Well I haven't ate anything for three days so I guess I'm hungry."

I sat down at the table and was handed a water bottle. I took a sip then began to eat.

"Where did they take you?" Thomas asked sitting next to me.

"They took Teresa and I out of the dorms. I was hit in the head and woke up tied to a chair in a room. I was asked questions, then hit again. I heard you conversation while laying on the floor and woke up as the wall was fading. I have no ideal where Teresa is. Haven't since I was dragged out of the dorm."

After that I was left alone to eat. Some of the boys kept staring at me and talking. I lived in the Glade with them for how long. They should know me.



"I'm going to go shower can you stand outside the door so nobody comes in?"


After my shower my I pulled Thomas aside because I know I have to explain things to him. We sat on a table towards the back of the room.

"I know you have questions. I'll answer any that you have."

"Katie. What did she mean by you saved me? She said that you should have just let her kill me?"

"When you were three the virus was released. The virus that the man was talking about. Both mom and dad caught the virus. Dad left because he didn't want to hurt us and Katie killed mom. She wanted to kill you. I'm don't exactly remember why. But I was five and when she was sleeping one night I took you and we ran away from home. I'm sorry that you had to go through this but you were taken from me."

"I know." He said.

What? How does Thomas know this? I never told him about it. How does he know?

"How do you know that?"

"When you were gone there was a TV in here. It was showing things that you did in your first maze. The last one that was showed was me getting taken from you, by the man who was just talking to us."

Why would W.I.C.K.E.D show the boys what I did the the first maze?

"So the memory I had in the maze of my mom is fake? Well it would have to be since she died when I was three."

"Did she look like her?"

I pulled the locket out of my pocket and handed it to Thomas. He opened it and I told him it was out parents.

"Dad told me he wanted me to give you this when you were older. I should have given it to you earlier but I wasn't with you."

He looked at the locket then put it down and gave me a hug. He began to cry a little. Not as bad as on the bus ride here.

"You look like mom." He said laying his head on my shoulder. "Here."

"No you keep the locket. It is for you."

He put it in his pocket as Newt walked up to us. He gave me a hug then turned to Thomas.

"Did you see if she has a tattoo?"

"What tattoo?"

Newt turned around and pulled his shirt away from his neck. Property of W.I.C.K.E.D Group A Subject A4 The Glue. Was written in black ink.

"What's yours?" I asked turning to Thomas.

"Property of W.I.C.K.E.D Group A Subject A2 To be killed by Group B."

"What's mine?"

He pulled my shirt away from my neck. Why is Group B going to kill him? I will stop them.

"Ashton Thorne Group B Subject B2 The Destroyer, The Hunted."

"Least W.I.C.K.E.D doesn't own you." Newt said.

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