Chapter 14 Alby's P.O.V

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As we headed down the mountain I was fuming. I was so mad at Ashton. She just ran off without telling anyone. Almost gets herself killed by an arrow with her stupid actions. Now she's too far away for me to help her. She has Owen but he probably just has a crush on her like every other boy in this group and just wants to get in her pants. I am ready to punch someone cause I'm so angry


I turned around and saw Emmy standing behind me with her arms folded on her chest and she looked mad.


"Stop being mad at Ashton. You know why she ran to them? It was not because of Thomas, well maybe a little about him. But she was taking over the group so they wouldn't kill you guys."

"What are you talking about?"

"The girls' maze was spilt into two groups. Those who followed Ashton and those who followed Harriet, she was the one that left Ashton in the maze. The one she had to fight to become leader. All you guys like Ashton so Harriet will most likely kill you. Ashton took over so that wouldn't happen. Ashton makes rash decisions but she does it to save those she loves. She did that many times in the maze, even for those that didn't like her. So, don't be mad at her because if you are I'll hurt you. I maybe small but Ashton taught me how to fight. I can beat your ass easily." She said and smiled then continued to walk.

Yep. She's best friends with Ashton. Acts just like her. I smiled and began to walk. Emmy walked over to Newt and began to talk to him. As I walked I debated if I should tell Emmy that she would never have a chance with Newt. Maybe I should keep my mouth shut. I don't want a twelve year old to kick my ass and front of the boys.

"What is with the arrow in the ground?" Minho asked after his little hollering match was over between him and Ashton and the red head chick Makenna.

When we got to the Safe Haven and we read the sign and realized the lie from WICKED we became angry. Then Minho started the match that Brook and Newt ended.

"The arrow is there to signify that we are now at war with WICKED. We are tired of the lies and the stupid trials and I'm tired of watching my friends die and get injured and watching them get taken from me again! We are going to destroy WICKED and make sure this never happens again!" Ashton said.

"Newt who are they?" Emmy said grasping his hand and pointed to the mountains.

Three people we coming down the mountain. They were too far away to see clearly. But they sort of looked familiar.

"It's Thomas!" Ashton yelled walking forward.

"Oh no you don't! Your not running away again. I'll sit on you to keep you here!" Minho said trapping Ashton by pulling her against himself.

"Don't touch her!" Makenna said and kicked him in the ankle.

"What the klunk did you do that you shank?"

"Shank? What the fuck does that mean?"

They began to fight again as dark clouds gathered in the sky. Please don't storm again I lost Ashton the first time.

After the hollering match was over we began to make a plan up, which lead to more fighting between Makenna and Minho.

"Ashton! Ashton! Ashy!"

It was Thomas he was pushing his way through a crowd of girls. He was clearly crying and didn't really care who saw him.

"Thomas!" She said as the first streak of lightning hit the ground and the ground started to shake.

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