Chapter 9 Ashton's P.O.V

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We stood outside a rundown building that was blasting music so loud you couldn't even hear the words. I don't know why we're standing out here, when we should go in and save Thomas.

"Minho can we go now!" I yelled and grabbed his arm.


We walked in to see people dancing. I looked around and the place was disgusting. A man walked up to me and grabbed my arm and shoved a cup in my face and smiled.

"Have a drink pretty face." He said and put the cup to my lips.

"She's fine." Alby said and punched the guy in the face.

That's when pretty much hell broke lose. People ran at us, but they were acting weird. They were slow. Their reaction time was horrible.

"Hey!" Minho shouted and everyone stopped. "We're just looking for our friends. When we get them we will leave. Where are they?"

"Downstairs." A man said and pointed to a door.

Minho, Newt, Alby and I went to the door as the rest of the group stayed back. Minho and Newt picked up a piece of wood and then opened the door and ran down the steps.

Once I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw that Thomas and the girl were tied up. I went to Thomas but was block by a girl that had a knife in her hand.

She swung the knife at me but I ducked and through a punch at her stomach. She doubled over and dropped the knife. I picked the knife up and slammed her head into the wall.

I got to Thomas and used the knife to cut the ropes on his hands and legs. I did the same for the girl.

"Let's go." Minho said.

We got the rest of the group and were leaving we made it outside when the gun shot sounded. I duck and turned around. Thomas fell forward on to me and I fell to the ground. He yelled in pain and I saw the blood on his shirt from the wound in his shoulder.

"Thomas!" I yelled.


I sat under a shelf of rock to keep Thomas out of the scorching sun. He was passed out from the pain. His head was in my lap and I wrapped my shirt around his wound to stop the bleeding.

This is all my fault. That bullet should be in my shoulder not his. I should have protected him better. After all we've been through and this is how his going to die. By an infected bullet wound in the scorch. This should be me.

"How is he?" The girl, who I found out her name Brenda asked."

"Just go away please."

I looked down and saw he eyes were opened. He was staring at me and I began to cry. I run my fingers through his hair to get him to go back to sleep.

"You'll be fine. I've got you." I whispered to him.

I looked up as I heard shouting. It was Minho and he was pointing at the sky. A hovercraft was landing. Sand blew everywhere and I had to cover my eyes. The door opened and people in green bodysuits walked towards us. I wrapped my arms around Thomas because they were coming for him.

I was pushed away as they picked him up. I began to yell and tried to follow but I just kept getting pushed down.

I laid on the ground crying as I watched the hovercraft lifted and fly away with Thomas.

"Ashton." Alby said as I curled up into a ball and cried.

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