Chapter 15 Ashton's P.O.V

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"Ashton! Ashton! Ashy!"

Ashy. I haven't been called that in years. The last time I was called that was when I broke into WICKED and was sent into the first maze. I stopped yelling at Minho and made my way to Thomas.

Tears streaked his dirt covered face and anger surged through me. Who hurt him? I'm going to hurt Teresa? I will kill her for hurting him.

He crashed into me by burying his head in my neck and wrapping his arms around my waist. I ran my fingers threw his hair because that always calmed him down.

"Thomas. Thomas what's wrong?"

He mumbled something against my neck but I couldn't hear due to his sobbing and loud thunder.

The sky opened up and the ran came pouring down and the ground started to shake. I pulled Thomas against my as I stumbled.

"Look! What is that?" Owen said pointing.

The ground where we crossed to get to this safe haven was opening up. Black box came up from the ground. Thomas lifted his head up and looked at the boxes.

"What are those?"

Just as he said that the boxes opened and monsters started coming out of them. I let go of Thomas and grabbed my bow and notched and arrow. The rest of the girls loaded their bows as the monsters came towards us.

"Thomas get Emmy and the others to safety. I'll be right behind you!" I shouted over the rain and thunder.

"Fire!" I yelled and let my arrow fly.

"Hit the orange lights on them." Brook yelled as she slashed one with a dagger.

The orange bulb exploded and the monster began to slow. As Brook broke more of them, the monster seemed to be dying.

I let more arrows fly and more bulbs exploded. I turned around and saw Thomas nowhere in sight. I saw nobody.

"Thomas! Alby! Emmy!" I yelled.

"Ashton watched out!"

I was pushed to the side and landed on my back. A monster stood over me. They were scarier then the grievers.

When I fell my last arrow fell out of the sheath on my back. The monster leaned forward and I pick up my bow and swung it at its face.

I hit its face just as a machete came threw its chest and the tip stop an inch from my chest. The machete left and the thing fell to the side and Makenna put her hand out to help me up.

The others ran to hide in the boxes to get out of the rain! Thomas is with them!" She yelled over the wind. "Come on let's get to them!"

I stood up and she give me the machete and she pulled a dagger from her belt and we began to fight our way to the boxes. I felt like old times in the maze. Fighting side by side. We knew each other's moves.

"Duck!" I ducked and stabbed at the leg of a monster as Makenna stabbed at one behind me.

As we got closer the boys jumped for the boxes with daggers and began to fight. Thomas was fighting and Emmy held his other hand. Alby stood near them and every once in a while he'd glance back to check on them.

"Berg! It's coming this way!" Owen shouted over the wind.

"Head towards it!" Thomas yelled them picked Emmy up and began to run.

The others followed and Makenna and I helped Newt because the wind and rain became stronger. As we got closer the berg did not land it just dropped it's ramp and hovered over the ground.

Thomas got to the berg first and put Emmy up on the ramp. As the others began to jump on a monster grabbed my hair and pulled my back. I fell to the ground and Makenna and Newt kept running. I rolled away and stabbed at it. Once it died I stood and ran.

The ramp was still opened but it was starting to take off. I dropped my bow and sheath and jump at the ramp. I slammed into it and began to pull myself up.

The ramp was slippery with mud and rain. I got my hips onto the ramp when something grabbed my leg and began to pull my back. I could not stop myself because it was to slippery. My fingers were at the edge when I looked down to see a monsters grabbing at my legs. I also saw how high we were. If I let go I'll die once I hit the ground.

"Alby" I yelled as my fingers slipped and the ramp started to close.

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