Chapter 7

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I laid on the ground till me ears stopped ringing. What kind of storm is this? Thomas and I went through the scorch and we never got in by a storm like this.

I pushed myself up and started to up. I think I'm going in the right direction, can't really see due to the wind blowing the sand.

As I ran I looked for Alby and Thomas. I had no such luck but I did find Newt. He fell and I helped him up and then suck next to him.

Another strike of lightning sent Newt and I to the ground. Newt helped me up and we continued to run again. I could see the building. We were so close. I also could see some people ahead of us. Hoping one of them is Alby and Thomas.

We got to the building and I bent forward to catch my breath. When in stood up I was wrapped in a hug by Alby.

"Where's Thomas?" I asked letting go of him.

"He didn't get here yet."

I turned and ran for the door. I have to go find and help Thomas. I just made it to the door when Newt grabbed my waist.

"Let me go!" I said and tried to push him away.

"You can't go back out there. Thomas gets here or he does and you can't help him or your going to die too. Now just sit down and rest." He said and pushed me back to Alby.

I sat on the ground with Alby next to me and looked at the opening. As I sat Frypan and Owen can in but there still was no sign of Thomas or Minho. Newt stood by the opening and looked out side. A loud crack of thunder came and Newt walked outside.

"Newt!" I yelled and went to the opening only to see him help Thomas carry Minho to the door.

They brought Minho inside and laid him on the ground. There was burns all over is skin and his clothes were in tatters. He sat on the ground curled into a ball and moaned in pain.

I gave Thomas I hug and told him to lay down. I then grabbed the bag of water out of Alby and I's sheet and poured it on Minho's legs.

"Shuck! What the klunk are you doing? He yelled and looked up at me.

"Water will soothe the burns." I sat and walked to the door because it began to rain and I need more water for the rest of Minho's body.


After I finished with Minho he fell asleep on the ground snoring. I sat against the wall next to Alby and Minho was in front of me. Thomas placed his head on my thigh and I ran my fingers through his hair to make him sleep. I placed my head on Alby's shoulder and fell asleep.

"Emmy tell me about your brother."

I looked at the little girl laying on the ground next to me. Brook my second in command had just braided white flowers into the girls hair. Emmy decided that I needed to match her so now she is making me a flower crown to wear.

"My brother has short dirty blond hair and has green eyes. He has a crocked noise because our dad punched him. He is mean to other people and likes to pick fights. Kinda hot headed. But was always nice to me." The girl said sitting up and but the crown on my head and then smiled. "How about your brother?"

"My brother looks the same as me. Same hair color and eyes. He is also two years younger then me. His name is Thomas. What's your brothers name?"


I woke to Thomas shaking my arm. I looked down at him and he pointed up. I followed his finger and saw a group of people staring down at us.

As they stared down at us and Thomas and I stared back. I taught about Emmy. How I'd promise that I get her back to her brother. Now I can't because Thomas killed him.

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