Chapter 8 Alby's P.O.V

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I woke to a group of people jumping off the hole above us and landing and pointing sharp weapons at us. I saw Minho get kicked in the ribs by a guy named Jorge and watched them take Thomas away to talk in total of three minutes.

Great way to wake up.

Newt ordered the rest to start backing our things up. That didn't take long. As we waited for Thomas the rest of the group stayed back and continued to point their weapons at us.

"I swear to god if they hurt Thomas they are all dying." Ashton whispered as she walked over to me.

"He'll be fine."

I started to rub her back as Jorge and Thomas came back in followed by a girl. They stopped in the middle of the room and Jorge turned to his group.

"I have decided that they can be trusted, so Brenda and I are going to take them to get something to eat. Follow me." He said turning to our group the walked off.


I sat in a hallway next to Newt. I was given a can of beans to eat. For me it was the best thing I ate in days. Ashton sat across from me and talked too Minho. Every so often she would look at Thomas who was sitting a little bit down the hall by Brenda.

A loud noise sounded like a bomb was going off. Then the roof began to collapse. We started to run down the hall and Ashton began to yell for Thomas. Minho grabbed her and pulled her down the hall.

We made it outside and followed Jorge around the town. I grabbed Ashton's hand because she was crying. Thomas was not with us. He is either dead or got out a different way. I put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her against me once Jorge lead is into a building.

I looked out the broken window and watched the sun go down behind the mountain. I ran my fingers through Ashton's hair to calm her down.

"We'll find him. I promise."


The next morning Minho sent Frypan and I out to scout around for any sign of Thomas. As we walked I remembered my promise to Ashton, that I would find Thomas.

Ashton begged Minho to let her come with us. I don't blame her. If it was a sibling of mine and the only family I had left I would want to find them to. But it was best to leave Ashton there. She was injured yesterday in the hall way. A piece of the ceiling cut her forehead.

"Look! It's Thomas!" Frypan said and pointed.

Thomas and that Brenda girl were surrounded by a group of people that were standing outside of a building. Music was pouring out of the building.

"Come on. Let's get the others."

Sorry for the long wait. My school started and I'm in the band so I have to go to every football game. Not much time to do anything. Also this is my brother's last year to play High School football. Got our District Championship game tomorrow. Say some prays so we win. Go Warriors!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!


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