Chapter 3

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*Landon is played by Colton Haynes because gosh he is so HAWT* (He probably won't enter the story much.. at least not until later on. I also want to say that he has absolutely no relation to the character he portrays, I do not see him in real life as he is in the story.)

Sorry, this one is a little shorter! Thanks for reading, enjoy xx

Madison's POV

A week has flown by faster than I expected and my thoughts still have not come to a rest. Carly has been nicer than ever, obviously trying to suck up after what she did, and I must say it's been rather annoying. No matter how nice or caring she decides to be, it will not fix what she did. I appreciate the gesture, but I most certainly didn't ask for it.

My time has been occupied by work, food, and a crap load of television. Though, I'm not sure it was ever filled will anything other than that before this all happened. Although my days of the last week were spent practically the same as always, Carly seemed to pick up extra hours at her work. I imagine the only reason she agreed to work more is to avoid me the best she can. I'm not exactly complaining, though.

I will admit that I have been considering her proposition about seeing that shrink, however. I realize now that I was being overly stubborn before and not matter how angry I am at Carly, maybe seeing a counsellor actually will help me get through whatever it is that I'm stuck in. I haven't been the same these last few years and I'm rather tired of feeling sorry for myself. I highly doubt a therapist will help me at all, but maybe giving it a shot wouldn't hurt. The only downfall to agreeing to go through with this will be giving in to Carly and admitting to her that maybe she was right. I know that I will feel utter defeat giving in because my stubborn personality just can't ever seem to let me give in to anything without a fight.

I groan to myself as a headache starts just thinking about this again. I hate the idea of discussing such personal problems and past events with a man I don't even know, but maybe talking about it with a stranger is actually exactly what I need. At first, I thought it would be extremely embarrassing to spill my heart out to this man and watch him judge me as I sit right in front of him. But, now I'm starting to see it in a new light. I think I would rather a complete stranger think badly of me than someone close and dear to me. After all, if I'm not happy with the way I feel after seeing him a few times I will just simply stop going to the sessions.

I hear the front door open and I look up from my seat on the couch. As Carly walks through the door with a half smile on her face and unsure eyes as she looks at me, I know I've made my decision about this. If I want the slightest chance of getting myself out of this slump I've managed to fall deeper into over the years, I'm going to need to take her up on her offer to go talk to this guy.

"Hey," she smiles and slips her shoes off.

"Hi," I mutter, looking back to the tv.

"How was your day?" She asks while taking a seat on the chair a few feet away.

"I don't know," I shrug. "Boring."

"Oh. Well mine was long, thanks for asking," she chuckles at herself, immediately stopping when I look over at her. "Um well, I won't be working as often now, today was my last overtime shift," she continues, attempting to make small talk but failing miserably. I couldn't care less about this at the moment.

A few minutes of silence drifts through and Carly fidgets in her seat awkwardly; I can tell she feels intimidated by my harsh attitude. After watching her move around like a nervousness wreck, I break the silence. "What's his name?"

She looks up at me, startled. "Who?" She furrows her brows.

"The counsellor you were talking to. What's his name?" I repeat myself. I'm not ready to admit to her that she was right yet, so I will not tell her I am going to see him. My plan is to simply find out who he is and go talk to him myself. She doesn't need to know until I see how this goes.

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