Chapter 9

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*Not Edited*

Madison's POV

"Can you move?" The annoying voice that could only possibly belong to Kristen scoffed from behind me. I rolled my eyes and stepped aside, going behind the front counter.

Leave it to Kristen to kill my good mood in less than point two seconds of being in my presence. My day at work had been going great all morning so far, but now that her shift was starting I knew the morning would not continue on a good note.

"Here you go. Have a nice day." I smile, handing the customer his receipt before he turned to leave the café. He was a nice man who had ordered a breakfast sandwich almost two hours ago and kept the coffee refills coming for well after he was finished. He was a regular here and I didn't mind serving him, but he was known to leave a mess.

"Maddison, go clean that table so we can seat the group that just came in," Kristen barked, pointing to the table the man was previously seated at. Barking orders around like she owned the place was her speciality and I most certainly wasn't expecting it to stop anytime soon.

I shut the till and scooted around the counter, grabbing a cloth as I went. It took me five minutes to wipe it down properly and I rushed the dishes into the kitchen, making my way back to the front. There was a group of six waiting at the door for a seat, and although it wasn't our usual to seat the guests since this was just a café, not a full-blown restaurant, this morning was busy and there wasn't a big enough booth available for them to seat themselves before I cleaned the other one.

"Good morning. A bigger booth just opened up down there by the window, feel free to seat yourselves and I'll come serve you in a moment," I greeted them, sending a warm smile. One thing unique about this place that was probably the reason why it was so popular was that we actually went to the table to take people's orders if they weren't just coming in for a to-go order. It was a hassle on the worker's part, but it was a big plus for the costumers.

I made my way to the counter again to take the order of a woman waiting at the till. I quickly made the latte she had ordered and took her money before she exited the shop. I made my way back to the large group that I had just appointed a table to to see if they were ready to have their orders taken.

I sorted through receipts and continued to run orders, checking in on all of my tables as I worked. I avoided speaking to Kristen for most of the remainder of my shift, but as expected it was inevitable that I had to communicate with her minimally. Despite the amount of dislike I had for her, I always tried my hardest to be mature and polite toward her, which was something she was not good at reciprocating for me, not that she really tried.

"You can go home now Maddy," my boss told me as I entered the kitchen a few hours later. I has just finished the last of the lunch rush, which was always busy due to the amount of workers that came in for coffee on their break, and my shift wasn't scheduled to end for another thirty minutes, so I was relieved to hear him say that.

"Are you sure you don't need me to stay?" I checked to be polite, but really I was praying he would refuse my offer.

"Yes, you go on home. Kristen can manage until the other girls come in," he insisted.

"Okay, thank you very much." I smile as I untie my apron, hanging it up on a hook. I collect my things and make my way to the entrance at the front rather than going out the back door.

"Where are you going? There's a table that is waiting for their drinks." Kristen nodded her head to the far side of the restaurant, pointing out a few people sitting at a table with impatient looks on their faces. She had been the one to take their orders, so it was her job to make their drinks.

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