Chapter 11

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This chapter is like 1300 words longer than usual! Hopefully it makes up for the lack of updates I've been giving you guys. But, exams are over now and I have an easier semester now so hopefully I will have more frequent updates on all of my stories and I will be able to make some sort of updating schedule for you all. Thank you for reading, enjoy xx

*Not edited*

Madison's POV

"I've got to step out now, if that's alright?" I asked my boss, peaking my head into his office. He looked up from his paper work and sent me a small nod.

"Yes, that's fine. When will you be back?" He questioned, leaning forward and focusing all of his attention on me as I stood in the doorway. "I've got to tell Kristen that she'll be on her own out there for however long," he stated, standing up to walk out into the main area with me.

"I shouldn't be any longer than two hours. I doubt I'll even be quite that long," I informed him, sending him a kind smile in hopes that he was still okay with me leaving for so long in the middle of my shift.

"Okay. Take your time.  Whatever it is it must be important." He sent me very small smile in return, so small I almost didn't even catch it, but it still surprised me. That was probably the nicest he had ever been to anyone that worked here, except for Kristen of course.

"Thank you. I really appreciate you allowing this," I told him sincerely.

As I grabbed my things from the back room, Kristen scoffed from somewhere behind me and I assumed that he had just informed her that I would be gone for awhile. I rolled my eyes to myself before I turned around and shot her a smile, attempting to walk by her and dismiss her presence.

"Where are you going? I have to cover for you." She scoffed in annoyance.

"God forbid you actually have to work for once," I replied with sarcasm dripping from my words. Some days I just didn't feel like making the effort to bite my tongue when it came to her. I really was a nice person - shy at that - but when it was her I was talking to, it was hard to be sometimes.

She muttered something to herself under her breath that I didn't quite catch, but I was already on my way to the exit and I didn't care enough to turn around and ask her what it was. I was too focused on my meeting with Mr. Styles that was very quickly approaching and I was trying very hard to push my nerves aside and remind myself that I've done this twice before and I would have no problem doing it again. No matter what he was planning to ask me about, no matter what he was wanting to hear this time- I could do it. I would do it. I needed to.

So, while swallowing all my apprehension, I parked my car in his office building parking lot and took a deep breath as I stepped out and looked up at the tall glass building in front of me. After taking in the sight for a few seconds, I scurried forward and pulled the heavy door open. The lady at the front desk sent me a big smile - like she had done the previous two times as well - and I sent one back at her. My stomach was turning as I stepped onto the elevator and watched as the numbers slowly ticked by above the door. Usually, I would pray that they would slow down so that his office floor wouldn't be reached so quickly, but today I just wanted to get up there and get on with talking to him. The sooner I opened up, the sooner I could move on with my life.

When I finally made it to his closed door, I reached my fist up and knocked softly, anticipating his deep voice to call for me to come in. But, much to my surprise, I didn't hear his voice at all. Instead, the door was yanked open and he stood tall on the other side, his lips pulled up into the wide and bright smile that adorned his face.

"Maddison, come on in." He gestured his arm toward his desk as he stepped aside, waiting for me to pass by him.

"Hello," I spoke softly, feeling timid as I took a seat on the cushioned seat that sat in front of his desk. This would be my third time being here, yet I still couldn't control my slight shaking as he took his seat directly across from me. Despite how nice he was, he still intimidated me; this whole situation intimidated me.

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