Chapter 2

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*Carly is played by Claire Holt*

Thanks for reading, enjoy xx

Madison's POV

To you, I may be overreacting, but if you trusted your best friend with something so serious that you didn't want anyone to know about, and they went and discussed your problem with someone else, you would feel the same. She talked about the horror I lived through for three years with a man that I didn't even know, and now he is out there, thinking about what has happened to me.

Whoever he is, he is probably judging me, thinking about how stupid I am. He probably thinks it is my entire fault, that I was just a stupid and naïve teenager. I was back then, but what happened really opened my eyes and changed me. It really changed me. I think about things differently, I act upon things differently, I look at things differently. I am basically a whole new person, and it's Landon's entire fault. I didn't ask for any of it to happen, I didn't want any of it to happen. I tried to prevent it from happening, and when it did anyway, I tried to stop it from happening again, but clearly I must have done something wrong.

At first, I was scared and I didn't know what to do, so I didn't do anything. Then, after a while when I grew used to it happening all of the time, I started to believe it truly was my fault, because that is what he managed to convince me. So, I started acting like it was just no big deal, though that was the farthest thing from the truth, it was a huge deal. I'm mad at myself for not realizing it sooner.

When I finally decided I had enough of what was going on, I told Carly. She was the only one I could tell, so I knew that I could trust her. When I did tell her, she freaked out. She was scared too, scared for me. She had no idea what to tell me or what to do. I felt equally as bad as her just for dragging her into it. Though now I know that I shouldn't have even told her, I should have just kept it to myself and dealt with it alone, that way I wouldn't be sitting on my bed alone crying because she betrayed my trust.

I know she is only trying to help me, but I just can't bring myself to see it from her point of view. I understand why she did what she did, but I am upset that she didn't even consider how I would feel or what I would think of all of it. She went ahead and set everything up for me and she couldn't have possibly known I would be okay with it and agree. She knows me better than that, or at least that was what I thought. I'm the shy and quiet girl, the one that doesn't speak unless she is being spoken to. It takes a lot for me to have a conversation with someone unless I know them, which is probably the reason Carly took matters into her own hands and contacted that counsellor; because she knows that I would have never had the courage to do it myself.

I sigh and lay my head on the soft pillow. The tears have stopped by now and my mood has almost entirely died down. I still feel that little bubble of anger toward Carly in the pit of my stomach, but I force myself to ignore it, knowing that if I don't it will surly pop and make me lash out at her again. I'm trying to make myself look at the situation from her point of view, but it's hard to get over that fact that she actually did that. I suppose you could say it would normally be considered a kind gesture; a friend finding someone to help you get through a tough spot in your life, but considering the circumstances, I don't see it that way. I guess in a way I find it sweet of her, but it would have been a lot better if she would have talked to me about it first and left it as a small suggestion. The way she went about it, is going to make me need a lot of time to think about it. I am going to have to talk to her about it sometime, seeing how we share an apartment and it is going to be hard to avoid her.

I roll onto my side and look at the clock on my nightstand. It is only twelve in the afternoon and I have absolutely nothing to do for the remainder of the day. I glance behind the clock and catch a glimpse of a picture frame, holding an old image of my family. I sit up and grasp it in my hand, bringing it up to look at properly. The picture was taken six years ago at a family gathering. I was only fourteen at the time and I have to say that I look a little dumb compared to how I look now. I'm standing in between both of my parents, my dad's arm slung around my shoulder and my mom's hand resting on my opposite arm. We all look so happy and seem to be having a good time. I remember that day, all of my cousins, uncles and aunts spending time together; I miss that.

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