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*Madison is played by Emily Rudd*

This prologue is so poorly written it's embarrassing, so please do not judge. The rest of the story is written much much better, and I am way more proud of it than I am this. This piece is cliche, I would say, and makes me cringe when I re-read it. Please ignore the poorness of this, and continue on with the rest, as I promise it is better! Thank you xx

"Bye, dad, love you!" I called before slamming the car door. I jogged up the front steps and onto the porch before rapping my fist against the door. It flew open not a second later to reveal Carly bouncing off the walls in excitement.

"Come in, come in." She dragged me through the threshold. "Hurry up!" She screeched and pulled me up the steps and into her room. She slammed the door behind us and turned to face me with a gigantic smile that gave me a feeling of unease.

"What could you possibly need to tell me so urgently that I had to come all the way here with ten minutes notice?" I groaned and plopped down on her bed face down.

"Okay, this is so exciting, oh my gosh." She giggled and sat on her desk chair, facing me with anticipation written across her features.

"Well I wouldn't know, so.." I trailed off, urging her to continue.

"Now, I want you to brace yourself for this." She looked at me and I nodded my head slowly.

"Get on with it." I laughed and sat up.

"Landon Singer asked me to give him your number!" She bounced up as her smile widened.

"Oh?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Oh? What do you mean oh? He's so hot and everyone loves him. He could get anyone and he wants you!"

"But why?" I shrugged. I didn't see it as such a big deal. Sure, he was hot and fairly popular but he was just a boy and I did not understand why he would ask her for my number.

"Because you're not ugly and you're nice. The real question is why not?" She stated and I rolled my eyes with a small smirk

"Why didn't he ask me himself?" I wondered out loud, speaking more to myself.

"Because I happened to be there and you weren't." She shrugged and got up to sit beside me on the bed.

"Where and when were you even with him, anyway?"

"After school in the parking lot. I was standing with him and some of his friends talking for a bit and when I was walking away he jogged up behind me and asked me for it," she explained and I smiled to myself at the information. It was still so unexpected and hard to believe that Landon would go for me.

"Well that is surprising." I laughed lightly.

"So are you gonna start wheeling him or not?" She whacked my arm lightly and I giggled.

"I don't know, Carly. I don't really want a boyfriend right now." I shook my head.

"What, why not?" Her face fell.

"It's been a long time since my last one and I don't think I want to start dating again." I shrugged.

"Too long, I'd say. You're starting to get bitter." I rolled my eyes at her statement.

"I am not!" I argue.

"Yes you are! Every time you see a couple at school you scoff and say boys are stupid. You need to stop being so hung up on your relationship with Mitch."

"I am not hung up on my relationship with Mitch!" I groaned.

"Oh yeah?"


"If you're not hung up on what went wrong with Mitch then go out with Landon," she tested, smirking at me.

I groaned to myself and pondered the idea. Landon was really cute and nice and if he was interested in me, then I guessed there really was no harm. Mitchell was just some phase that lasted only a month and ended in disaster when I over heard him and his friends talking about how big of a loser I turned out to be. Apparently they all thought I was "hot" and told Mitch to go for it but he ended up thinking that my looks did not suit my personality. I was rather hurt by what I had heard him say to them, but I didn't make a huge deal of it. I broke it off with him the next day and left it at that.

"Alright, I will," I agreed and Carly squealed.

"Great! When he texts you and asks you out, you can thank m-" The loud and obnoxious ringing of my phone cut her off. I pulled it out of my pocket to see my mothers name flashing across the screen.

"Hello?" I answered it non-enthusiastically.

"Your father was rushed to the h-hospital," she sobbed, her voice coming out in a loud squeak.

"What? Why?" Panic surged through me, bringing me to my feet in an instant.

"T-there was an accident-t," she choked through the tears.

"What happened?" Tears started forming in my own eyes, falling over the edges and rolling down my cheeks.

"A transport truck ran a red light. I-it doesn't look good, M-Madison."

"How bad is it, mom? Will he be okay?" I cried, holding onto my chest as it heaved with pain.

"The doctor said that-that he might not make it through the night." She was hysterical now, her words coming out in pants.

"I'm coming to the hospital, mom. I'll be there soon, okay?" I wiped my tears and looked at Carly. She was staring at me with a look of panic and confusion.

"Hurry." The line went dead.

Me and Carly were rushing into the hospital twenty minutes later. Tears were running freely down my cheeks and I could hear my mothers sobs as I rounded a corner into a waiting room. I saw her sitting there with her face buried in her hands and a doctor standing over her with sympathy coursing through his features. My heart sank right away at the sight.

"Mom!" I ran to her. She stood up and I stepped forward to hug her, only she pushed me away.

"Stay away from me!" She screamed, her face red and soaked.

"W-what? B-"

"He's gone, Madison! The damage to his head was too sever," she cried. My body started to shake as more tears flowed, my heart shattering into a billion pieces.

"He can't be gone! He's gotta be okay!" I yelled.

"This is your fault!" She pointed at me, the sadness being replaced with anger.

"What? M-me?" How could she say something like that to me?

"If he wouldn't have driven you to Carly's he'd be alive right now! My husband wouldn't be dead right now if it wasn't for you!" She sobbed again before she slapped me across the cheek, the sting matching the burn in my throat.

"Mom, how can you blame me for this?" I murmured so quietly I was surprised she heard me.

"Get out, just get out!" She raised her voice again. I looked at her with grief and wiped my eyes before grabbing Carly's hand and dragging her along with me out of the building.

My father was dead, my mother hated me... and it was all my fault.

Shitty prologue but it's just to explain things and whatnot. This is set years in the past and the chapters will be better and longer! Please leave a comment and take a second to vote! Idk when I'll be starting this but look out for chapter one sometime next month! Thanks. Bailey xx

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