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Sorry i haven't been updating for a while 😭.I've been in so much trouble for being suspended and had to do alot of jobs 🙄. Anyways I'll try my best!

(Dinner !!!)

Ted walks in while Charlie is going on a rant about waffles and how delicious and soft they are. "What's your opinion on waffles ted?"

Ted gets angry "I FUCKING HATE WAFFLES! NO DONT MENTION THEM TO ME." Charlie breaks down laughing and i go into a giggle fit. "What's so bad a-about w-waffles?" Charlie slows down with the laughing and i was smiling "dunno" he shrugs.

"Sounds like a case of ptsd" Charlie giggles then nods. "Uh maybe?"

(Eating (finally))

We were served our food and i was about to start eating when i realised Wilbur never arrived. I turn to quackity and point to the empty seat next to me. He just shrugs and continues eating. I pull out my phone to text Wilbur.

My hot boss 😉

Hey wil where are you? :you

"I'm sure he's fine" quackity states looking up at me "then why isnt he here?" Quackity shakes his head slightly "probably got caught up with work. Might even be in the dream teams room again" he starts to eat again and i scoff. Quackity puts his knife and fork down looking up at me "keep up with the attitude and see what happens" He rubs his foot on my leg warning me. Stiffen. This was considered cheating. Well technically he was the one feeling me so i guess it doesn't count. Right? Yea it doesn't count. I nod and i see him smirk "good boy~" he whispers and i blush at deep, like very deep red. Just me or was it hot in here? "Hey Schlatt you seem like hi the kind of guy who would look at the world and ask "is anyone going to eat that?" And not wait for a reply" (shh i think i worded it wrong) i stare at him still flushed red "what" .

Ted starts laughing "fuck sake let me eat" ted laughs harder while Charlie struggles to keep a straight face.

I take my phone out again when i heard it buzz.

My hot boss 😉

Hey wil where are you?:you

My hot boss😉: oh sorry! I got caught up in the dream team room asking them some questions.

It's fine just get here :you

"What's he doing?" I look at the source of the voice. "I'm not sure he lied saying he was questioning the dream team" quackity looks confused "maybe he was asking them something just not about why they attacked us or something'' i was not the confused one. I hear the door open and I look over to see the one and only Wilbur. He makes eye contact with me and smiles while walking over. He sits down and instantly asking,not even started eating or apologising for being half and hour late "hey you wouldn't cheat on me would you" I see him glance at quackity quickly on the word 'cheat'. That was a little unexpected. "What no?!" He smiles at my very, confused face and starts eating. I look to quackity who wasn't confused but shocked. He starts to text me.


Quackity:do you think he knows i was touching you while he was interrogating the dream team?

Most likely. Id be careful.:you

Quackity:I'll still touch you around him. We never get alone time. You're always with him.

He's sorta my boyfriend. Just please if you do touch me around him be very slick or i will break your fingers:you

Quackity:alright sir

I put my phone away and eat the rest of my food. Wait wasn't i going to meet the both tonight.

I tap Wilburs shoulder and he turns to me "yes?"

"Still meeting you in your room at 11?" I whisper making sure no one heard. "Yep" he smiles.

I turn to quackity to see him already admiring me. When he sees me looking he smiles awkwardly . I smile and mouth 'are we still meeting at 2' and he nods.

Schlattbur (mafia shit but accurate)Where stories live. Discover now