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Hello how are yalls on this fine day? I'll prolly be writing til 3 or 4 bc my insomnia is bad 😭.

"He didn't hurt you did he?" Wilbur lifts up my chin making me look at him. "What did it sound like?" I replied sarcastically and he just rolls his eyes. "Schlatt you know you're gonna have to choose me or quackity right?" Wilbur rubs my cheek and I pause. Yes i knew that. I felt anxious. He really just put me on the spot. "I have to think about it wil. Just don't put me on the spot like that or i definitely won't choose you" Quackity rocks back on his feet with his hands behind his back looking anywhere but at us.

"What can i do to show Im sorry for last night?" Wilbur holds my waist looking down at me "maybe he wants you to suck his dick whenever he wants you to" Quackity pipes up and i laugh quietly Turing my head.

"Shut up you're not helping" Wilbur rolls his eyes and looks back at me "well.. maybe start with being nice to Quackity" i requested after a few seconds of thinking "that might be hard but I'll try. Anything else?" I could feel the cheeky smile on Quackitys face right now "Well maybe you could suck my dick" I smile up at him and i hear quackity stifle a laugh "seriously Schlatt?" I nod smiling. "You're being serious arnt you?" I nod once again and he pauses.

"No" I smile even harder "then i guess i can't forgive you" i shrug off his hands and was about to walk to quackity when Wilbur grabs my arm pulling me back "f-fine" I smirk , giggling "fine what?" I rub my hand on his shoulder "..fine I'll suck your fucking dick" He blushes a deep red clearly embarrassed "wow Wilbur ,it's not every day you're not so dominant" I laugh and he blushes even more "Wilbur you're supposed to be a big boy" Quackity states to see how Wilbur would reply "sh-" I cut him off quickly "be a good boy" he looks at me ,frustrated. "Sorry" he looks down "Well you wanna suck my dick or no?" I grab his waist and he looks at me shocked "now?" I nod "guess that's my Que" Quackity stands straight and smiles at us and walks away. I grab Wilburs hand and pull him into my room. He takes a deep breath as i sit on my chair taking off my clothes once again. He looks at me and i nod. He gets onto his knees and spreads my legs a little and starts to suck the tip of my penis (yea i have the humour of a immature 14 year old so what?) .

I let out a shakey breath and stroke Wilburs arm and he takes in more of my length "Mhh~" I pull his fluffy brown hair and he winces. I push my hips forward accidentally making him take in more of my length and tears form in his eyes. He's probably the one always getting sucked off i guess. Wilbur speeds up his pace and rubs my thighs soothingly. I grip the side of my chair armrest. "I think i- ahh~ might cum~" He speeds up his pace making me reach my high faster. "Yes~ Please~" I wasn't sure what i was asking for but yet I guess he understood.Finally i reach my release and cum and he removes himself from me. He was about to spit it out when i say "no ,swallow it." He nods and swallows the thick , salty liquid and grabs a tissue to take the liquid which remained around his mouth. "Oh by the way when Is my next mission?" He looks at me "Uhm i think in 2 weeks" I nod and put my boxers and trousers back up and buckle my belt "so.. do you forgive me?" I turn to look at him "sure" he smiles and jumps a little.

Schlattbur (mafia shit but accurate)Where stories live. Discover now