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I finish my food and stand up and leave. Once i leave through the doors and they close i pull out my phone to check the time . 8:02. When i put my phone away again and was about to walk away i felt hands wrap around my waist pulling me close "who the fuck is that" i try kicking them but fail miserably. "Calm down daring" Wilbur chuckles behind me and i flush a deep red. I stop kicking and he turns me around to face me. We make eye contact for a few seconds before he pulls me into a gentle kiss. He grabs my cheek and pulls me in gently pushing his pink rose lips against mine. It was nice. He pulls away smiling "i love you Schlatt" I smile warmly "i love you too wil" my phone starts ringing and i accidentally push him away. I catch a glimpse of his face. He looked annoyed. Probably because i just pushed him away from me. I take out my phone.

* Quackity is calling *

I was about to answer when my phone was snatched from me. I look up with a clear angry face. Wilbur had put my phone in his pocket. "Him over me? Your boss AND your BOYFRIEND" Wilbur was also angry. I was annoyed at this behaviour. I scoff, rolling my eyes "Fucking give it back wilbur." He looks at me even more angry. "No". I stare at him ,getting even more annoyed. "Wilbur give it back you're acting like a fucking child" I step forward "Say that again and I'll smash this phone" He grabs my arm. I look at him slightly shocked. "No you wont. Now give it back" he rolls his eyes and takes out the phone from his Jean pocket and he actually throws it against the wall. I wasn't expecting him to actually do that. When i tell you i wasn't happy i mean it. Actually not happy is a understatement. Fuck it. Furious is a HUGE understatement. I look at wilbur and push his hand off of my arm. "WHAT THE FUCK WILBUR" I step back frowning deeply. "I TOLD YOU I WOULD" He pushes me onto the ground... i was shocked to say the least. In that moment i felt everything pause around me. I was on the verge of tears. The thick tears makes my vision go blurry slightly. I see Wilbur stood above me looking confused. "Why the fuck are you crying." I was breathless. I start feeling dizzy. I felt scared. Scared of Wilbur. I push myself up almost falling over when standing up from focusing on the situation. I shake my head and start running to my room, tears flowing down my face. Why do i need to be so sensitive.

I open my door and then lock it once closing it. I sit myself against my door putting my head between my knees. I started sulking. Wet thick tears rolling down my face , some slips down my top. I stand up and grab the bedside lamp and throw it. It smashes once it hits the wall and the glass scatters around the floor. I walk to my bathroom and look at my red cheeks. I was angry. I punch the mirror and the glass shatters. My fist was bleeding from the sharp glass shards entering my skin. It stung but i didn't care. I didn't even clean up. Not even my wounds. I just went to my bed and slept for a little.

Schlattbur (mafia shit but accurate)Where stories live. Discover now