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I was in Wilburs office at the moment.

"Okay so you were a assassin in your last group?"


"Okay would you wanna be one again? With Techno,Jack,Ted and Quackity."

It wouldn't be bad. I could try to apologise to Quackity aswell.

"Okay sure"

"Goodie! Says you're good with guns and you're stealthy. Is that even a word? Whatever. That's good we dont have a lot of those"

I smile at him reading the sheet. I put my hand on his knee and he stop reading and he goes red. He even smiles!

"Okie dokie do you remember where your room is?"

"Trying to get rid of me? We've only been here for like 10 minutes."
I lean forward Grinning at him.

"Well if you do want to stay for longer" He stands up walking to me and pulls my chair back with me still sat on it. "Do so" He sits on my lap smirking at me.

I blush a cherry red and lean back. Wilbur leans forward and puts his hand against my cheek rubbing it gently. There was only a few inches between us "is this okay?" Wilbur whispers slightly.


Wilbur leans in and kisses me passionately and gently. The kiss lasts for 10 seconds til he moves back and stands up.

"We'll talk about this tomorrow Im getting tired" he grabs my hand lifting me up putting my body against his.

"Now again do you remember where your room is?"



I woke up and just laided there for half an hour. This never got boring. "I should probably get up" i spoke to myself. I kick my feet up and off the side off my bed lifting myself up at the same time. I stretch my legs and arms and stand up properly.

I walk over to my wardrobe opening it and getting some clothes and start undressing myself. I put on my jeans when hear a knock "who's that!" I shout taking off my top "Tommy"

"What's up?" I put on my top

"Breakfast is almost ready hurry up" i walk to the door opening it to see the blonde.

"Lets go"

"Okay big man Schlatt"tommy puffs his chest and i stare at him.

"Uhm okay.." I start walking and he jogs up to catch up to me.

"Sooo...What's your job?"

"I'm a assassin"

"that's soo fucking cool! Wilbur wont
let me be one. I don't have a job yet. I just.well w like a assistant"

"Assistant? What do you do as a assistant?"

"I help prepare meals, I pass on messages,Help with paper work all that shit! It's boring as fuck"

"Sounds it"

"So Schlatt where are you from? You don't have a British accent."

"I'm from texas"


Tommy looks to me

"Well I've never met someone from Texas that's all." I nod.

We get to the hall and we take a seat where we did yesterday.

"Hi Schlatt" Charlie sits next to me "hi"

Schlattbur (mafia shit but accurate)Where stories live. Discover now