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I wake up. The first thing i see is the dried blood in which coloured the white sheep red.Once i remember the events of last night i feel a very painful stinging sensation on my fist. I look at it seeing there's still shards of glass buried in there ,some deep , some not. I groan and lift myself from my bed. I realised I hadn't changed. I didn't even take off my shoes from yesterday. I chuckle slightly and just decide to leave my room. I don't care if my hair is looking like a bush or not my fist hurts like hell.

(Medical room)

I knock on the door and hear Niki's soft feminine voice ask me to enter. "Hi Schlatt! Are you okay you look a bit tired?" She was genuinely concerned for me. I smile "yea just look at my hand for me. Something happened last night" she nods and taps the seat next to her. I sit down and show her my fist. "Oh my! What happened?" She got tweezers to take out the glass. I don't reply. She doesn't start to pick out the glass. "I can give you pain killers but they'll kick in when I'm wrapping up your bandage. You should speak to take your mind off the pain." I nod "i and Wilbur got into a argument" I started speaking and she instantly started and hummed. "Yea so i got angry and threw my lamp" she laughs a little "and then i went to my bathroom and i got angrier and i guess i just punched the mirror" by then she was finished. She smiles at me "what happened during the argument? You're eyes look very red from crying. It must've been bad?" I nod "me and Wilbur are dating" she smiles lightly "and when quackity called me  when me and Wilbur were having a moment i pushed him away accidentally and he got angry. He then destroyed my phone and pushed me over.like very harshly and hard" Niki looked very shocked. I can't blame her Wilbur doesn't seem like the type to do that. "If that happens again you know you can tell me or a friend. Especially if he hits you Schlatt. He could go over the line and assault you or worse." She sounded serious "don't worry niki. I will." She smiles. "Okay I'll clean the wound now.

"Thank you niki!" She smiles "no problem. Bye Schlatt!" She waves and i wave back. I left through the single door and go to my room to clean myself up. If i have the time and energy I'll also clean the glass on the floor and bathroom. "Schlatt!" I turn around to sss Charlie and Ted" we heard shouting from you after dinner last night" The two walk over.

Charlie nods agreeing. "Yea what happened? It was right after Wilbur left"

I hesitate. "We had a argument about quackity calling me and he broke my phone and pushed me over" I shrug "did he push you over hard?" Ted says with a very concerned face and Charlie with his usual smile. I nod.

"What happened to your hand?" Charlie points to my hand with a confused smile. I look down. I got angry and broke my lamp and mirror. Nothing much. The two nod even more concerned at the last part. The two look at eachother. They look back at me at the same time. "Schlatt if Wilbur hurts you again no matter what tell us" I actually felt cared about. It's been awhile since I've felt that.

They nod "okay Ive got to go change and shit. Bye see you two later" they nod again "bye!" They shout as i walk away to my door.

(In schlatts room)

I was in a pair of new jeans and was changing my top when i hear a knock. "Who is it!" I shout pausing. "Wilbur. Let me in" i scoff and continue changing. "Let me in Schlatt." I ignore him again. "Schlatt Im sorry" I stop.

"If you were you wouldn't of done that in the first place. You know you owe me a new phone too. AND A LAMP!" I could sense that he was extremely confused about the last part.

"Lamp?" I laugh. "Doesn't matter just let me in please" it was funny seeing him apologise after what he did. It wasn't bad but we had 1. Only been dating for a day 2. It was literally just a call. I hear more lighter footsteps. Sounded like quackity. "The fuck are you doing hear" I could hear Wilbur from behind the door. "Oh i heard about what happened last night. Not cool Wilbur" yep. That was quackity. I hear Wilbur scoff "Schlatt can i come in?" I smirk "one sec" I walk to the door and open it. I see Wilbur staring at Quackity in anger and Quackity trying not to laugh at him. When they hear the door open they turn.Quackity grabs my hand and takes me into the room and locking the door leaving Wilbur waiting outside "WHAT THE FUCK" Wilbur stomps his feet. I smile and all the sudden Quackity kisses me and rubs my tail making me moan quite high pitched. I could feel quackity smirk and kiss me harder. "Not funny" Wilbur says behind the door,clearly fed up. Quackity then grabs my horns "Mhhm quackity~" we might've been kissing but me moaning his name was very clear. "Stop" Wilbur hits the door getting impatient. Quackity pulls away and takes off the top i just put on and he pushes me onto my new sheets. No way was i keeping the bloddy ones. He starts to give me hickeys over the clear ,deep purple ,older ones. "Mm~" the cold sensation on my top half made me sensitive. "HEY!" Wilbur knocks. Well hits, the door louder this time. Quackity straddles me "w-" he cuts me off "Wilbur you wanna stay to hear his sweet sounds of me fucking him or leave?" I could basically hear the anger radiate off of Wilbur. "I'm not leaving til you open the door" Quackity smirks "fine with me" He starts moving. Faster and harder then i expected him to start off. "F-faster quackity~" he smirks and speeds up . "Mhhm~" I lean my head back trying to keep quiet. "No Mi armor make those beautiful noises" he goes faster and i instantly let out strings of moans "fuckk~ faster please~ mhhmm~" I hear Wilbur mumble something which just makes quackity get off and take of the rest of my clothes along with his. "Where is it no amor?" I knew what he was talking about. "Second draw down" he nods and gets out the lube. "Get on your stomach" i instantly get up and lay on my front . "Don't you dare quackity" Wilbur hits the door. "Leave or listen." In all honesty I wasnt even paying attention to their short argument. "Prep or no?" I shake my head "no" he nods and applies the lube. "Ready darling?" I nod preparing myself. I was already panting right now. He enters me without a warning. "AHH~" i hear Wilbur gruffle something. Without me being able to get used to the feeling Quackity starts thrusting. "MH~ QUACKITY FUCK~" he groans and speeds up "Shit Ughh~" This was so overwhelming. "Faster?" Quackity wasn't  quiet about it "yea" I lightly whisper trying not to moan "louder".

"YEA~" (based of the song Im listening to rn. Yeah!) "Schlatt!" Wilbur complains. Im guessing he sat on a chair outside. "Shut up~" Quackity chuckles at me but speeds up. "Ahhh~" I grip the bed sheets "close?" I nod.

"Words mi amor" "yes~"

He speeds up.

Within 3 seconds i release. "MHH~"

"Fuck close to Schlatt~" Quackity,surprisingly possible, gets faster. After a good 2 minutes of me moaning he releases. He slowly pulls out.

(After cleaning and getting dressed)

I grab the door lock and unlock it and open the door and look the my left to see Wilbur sat in the chair staring at me with rage. He then looks at quackity who was pushed up against me. Just looking at him alone made him 10x angrier. He stands up and grabs me pulling me close to his chest basically suffocating me. He glared at Quackity who was smiling smugly up at him.

Schlattbur (mafia shit but accurate)Where stories live. Discover now