Chapter 2

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Picture of Nicole Anderson as Layla Anderson side!

Luke and I walk into school. Luke has his arm around my shoulder. I have no idea why. He just does. I walk to my locker, and Luke leans against the locker beside me. 

"What's up with you?" I ask as I open my locker.

"This whole Jake thing is driving me crazy."

"Why? Hopefully, he won't even talk to us, and these next few months will fly by." I shrug and close my locker.

"Probably not. He's gunna be bring girls in and throwing them out the next day. He's gunna be coming home wasted and drunk every night. He's just bad news, and I don't want  that around my lil' sister." 

"Come on, Luke! I'm not that short or younger than you." I say and cross my arms.  

"True. But you're still my lil' sister, and I don't want him around you."

"Why?" Layla says popping up next to me. Daniel and Zach walk over to us, too.

"Because he'll influence her to do bad things." Luke groans.

"Come on. Ella always says no to everything bad. Jake Lore with not change that."

"Jake Lore won't change what?" We all turn and look at the person you just asked that question. Jake Lore is at his locker, two down from mine, with Nathan and Josh. They all have smirks on their faces. 

"Uh...umm..." Luke stutters."Bye!" He yells and him, Daniel, and Zach run off. Jake raises his eyebrow at me.

"Bye!" I scream, grab Layla's hand, and run down the hall.

"I'll see ya tonight, neighbor!" Jake yells down the hall. I think everyone in the school heard him. 


"What the heck was he talking about?" Layla asks when we sit down for lunch.

"Who?" I ask.

"Jake, this morning. What did he mean by I'll see ya tonight?" She screams. I cover her mouth while people look at us.

"Go back to eating, people." Luke says as Daniel, him, and Zach sit down with us.

"What did he mean, El?" Layla whines.

"He's staying at my house for a few months." I mumble.

"He's what?" She screams.

"God! Stop screaming!" Zach yells.

"No!" Layla screams. "Jake Lore is staying at Ella's house for a few months! I will NOT stop screaming!" Everyone turns to look at me. I get up and run back into the school. I run to my locker and slide down against it.

"What are you doing here?" I look up and see Josh Miller standing in front of me.

"My best friend just told the whole school Jake Lore is staying at my house." I mumble.

"Wait, Jake's staying at your house?" Josh asks and sits down beside me.

"Yeah, did he not tell you that?" I ask.

"I thought you two were just gunna see each other tonight for...ya know." He smirks.

"No! I've never even kissed anymore!" I yell then cover my mouth. Josh's eyes grow big. "Please don't tell anyone." I plead and put my hand on his arm. He looks down at my hand, and I pull it away blushing. 

"I won't tell anyone." He smirks. 

"Thank you so much!" I say and hug him. I pull away quickly and blush. "Sorry." I mumble.

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