Chapter 9

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I am SOOOOOOO sorry for the late update! I've been super busy with school! Hopefully this is long for the long wait! Picture of Sterling Knight as Zach Allen on side! Love you guys and enjoy!

It's been weeks since that night. Jake hasn't talked or even looked at me since that night. He obviously doesn't care about me, so why can't I get him off of my mind. I think about him all the time. He doesn't like me or care about me, so why do I care so much. Ugh! See? This is why I don't let guys in. They always hurt me or don't care about me. 

"Ella, you up?" Luke asks as he walks into my room.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I ask as I walk out of my bathroom.

"Sorry." He mumbles. I sigh.

"No, I'm sorry. I know I've been a jerk to you lately."

"It's cool. I understand. At least we both hate Jake again." He smirks. I let out a fake laugh. "Well I'm gunna go get ready." He smiles and walks out. I walk over to shut my door. I look down the hall and see Jake walking out of his room. He catches my stare and smiles. I gasp and shut my door then lock it. He looked at me. After like three weeks, he looked at me and smiled. I feel a smile grow of my face as I think about his breathtaking smile and feel the familiar butterflies filling my stomach. No! Stop Ell! You're gunna get hurt! Stop it right now! I groan and finish getting ready.


"Hello, sexy." Layla smirks as I sit down. 

"Hey." I mumble.

"I'm coming over today." She states.

"What? Why?"

"It's Friday besides we haven't hanged out in a long time and you need a distracting from Jake." 

"Ugh. Is it that obvious that I still like him?"

"Yes, you've been depress since that night." I sigh. "Ella, you need to get over him and I know how to do that."

"How?" I ask.

"I'll tell you tonight." She smirks.

"Tell her what?" Luke asks as him, Zach, and Daniel sit down.

"Nothing. Mind your own business." Layla says and sticks out her tongue making Zach and Daniel laugh while Luke glares and I just sit here. 

"Laugh." Layla yells and punches my arm.

"Ow." I whine and rub my arm. I notice a few people looking at us. What? We're best friends. No one has ever since us fight.

"Come on! Stop being a whinny baby." Layla pouts.

"Well sorry if I'm such a bother." I say and stand up. 

"No, El." Layla says and grabs my hand. "I didn't mean it like that." She says with pleading eyes.

"Whatever." I say and rip my arm out of her grasp. I walk back into the building and run to the bathroom. I stand in front of the mirrors and grip the counter. I'm being such a jerk to people lately. I'm always sad or mad. And for what? Jake Lore. I knew I should have stayed away from him. I should have hated him the whole time and not talked to him. That's the problem with him though. Once you speak to him and hear his beautiful voice, you wanna keep talking to him. Once you touch him, you just wanna keep touching him. He's like a drug and I need him. I look up and stare at myself in the mirror. My make up is ruined because of him. Why does he ruin everything?

"He didn't mean to." I turn around and see Jade leaning against the door of a bathroom stall. 

"Did I just say all that out loud?" I whisper. 

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