Sequel Information

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I am going to start the Sequel for this book ASAP. Anyone want a sneak peek? 

There is a man... no a boy. He looks about my age. He is smiling at me... no he's smirking at me like he knows what I am thinking about. What am I thinking about? Well first off, who is this guy? Why is he here? What does he want with me? He reached his hand out to me, and I feel this urge to reach out towards him, so I do. As soon as, our hands are an inch apart, everything goes black, I hear gunshots and screaming. I can suddenly see everything and notice I am strapped down in a chair. I try to get out then notice the boy coming toward me. His smirk does not seem to be going into my soul anymore. It looks evil. He looks like he is going to hurt me. He raises his gun and points it at me. Before, I can scream, he pulls the trigger.

I wake up screaming at the top of my lungs. Luke jumps up from the sleeping bag on my floor and runs over to me. He grabs me and pulls me into his chest.

"Shhhh, Ella. I got you. It's okay. You're big bro is here." He mumbles while rocking me and kissing my head. After about five minutes, I calm down. "Wanna talk about it?" He asks. I shake my head, and he lays me back down. "Goodnight, sweetie. Just remember Luke's got you. I'm not going to let any bad guys hurt you." He says, kisses my forehead, and lays down in the sleeping bag. I hear him mumble "anymore" just like he always does when I have bad dreams. Anymore, I'm not going to let any bad guys hurt you... anymore... what does he mean anymore? Why does he always mumble it like he doesn't want me to hear him? I'm probably just imagining that he says it. He probably doesn't say it. I was in an insane asylum, so who knows what is really real or not?

There you all go! A sequel is going to be made, and it will be called Real Or Not so keep an eye out for it!

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