Chapter 7

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Picture of Nat Wolff as Cooper Nelson side!

**Jake's Pov**

I look down at Ella in my lap. She's crawled into a ball, and her head in laying on my chest. I smile at her as I stroke her hair. I wish I could be with her, but I can't. I don't wanna put her danger. I care about her to do that to her. I know the bad boy cares about the innocent Ella Pike. I really do, but I shouldn't. I can't let James hurt her. I groan causing Ella to move in her sleep. I hold my breath afraid that I might have woken her, but she just moves closer to me and let's out a small yawn. I let out the breath when her chest continues to rise and fall, but her eyes don't open. I smile and kiss the top of her head. I really wish I would have stick to the game plan that I had when I first found out about staying with Ella.


"Mom, do I really have to stay with them?" 

"Yes, Jake." She nods. I look at my dad and he shrugs.

"Come on, son. It won't be too bad. Ella is a very pretty girl. I wouldn't be surprised if by the time we get back you two are dating." My father laughs.

"We won't be." I glare.

"And why not? She's beautiful girl." My mother beams.

"I know." 

"So what's the problem?" My mother asks confused.

"I can't hurt her." Actually James would be the one to hurt her, but it would be my fault for getting too close to her. I sigh. "Besides I'm not good enough for her." I shrug.

"Jake Lore, if you're anything, you're good." My mom smiles. If only she knew what I really do when I "go hang out with friends", she wouldn't think that. No one would.

"Thanks, mom." I say and give her a fake smile.

"Now come on. We must be getting you over there before our plane leaves without us." My mother says and leads the way to Ella's house.

I will not get involved with Ella Pike. 

I will not get involved with Ella Pike. 

I will not get involved with Ella Pike. 

I had to keep repeating that as we walked to her front door. Her parents open the door and start talking to mine about who knows what. I stare at Ella as she walks down the stairs. Shit, this is gunna be harder than I thought. Maybe if I flirt with her a little, I'll get her out of my system. I thought as I followed up the stairs. Boy was I wrong. 


"Why the hell are you and my sister snuggled together in her room?" Luke glares.

"Sorry, man. We were playing Xbox and fell asleep." I whisper trying not to wake up the sleeping beauty in my lap.

"Did you drug her? I swear to god if you drugged my baby sister-"

"Shut up! You're gunna wake her up, and hell no, I didn't drug her."

"Then why is she snuggled against you?"

"Maybe she likes me." I smirk. I really hope she doesn't because I don't want her to get hurt.

"She would never like you in million years." Luke snarls.

"And why not?" 

"Because you're not good enough for her." He snarls then slams the door close leaving the room. Ella moves and opens her eyes slowly.

"Jake." She whispers.

"Morning, little kitten." I smile. I love calling her that because it makes her mad. What? The girl is hot when she's pissed off! 

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