Chapter 5

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Picture of Alexander Ludwig as Josh Miller side! 

**Ella's Pov**

I snuggle closer to my pillow. When did I get a pillow that's so comfortable? I open my eyes and realize I'm laying on top of Jake Lore. I sit up which wakes up Jake. Oh crap! How do I explain this? Wait, what happened last night? 

"Morning, little kitten." Jake whispers and rubs my arm. I shiver at his touch. It feels so loving. Wait! Snap out of it, Ella!

"Um...what h..happened last n..night?" I stutter. 

"You had a little too much to drink." He smirks.

"What did I say?" I say then try to think about what happened. I groan and grab my forehead. I have a really bad headache.

"I'll tell you as soon as you get off of me." He smirks.

"Sorry." I mumble and get off. Jake sits up and runs his hand through his hair. I realize he doesn't have his shirt on and stare at his beautiful body. He starts to get up, but I grab his arm. I feel a spark go up my arm and pull away. He looks back down at me.

"Where are you going?" I whisper.

"I'm going to get you medicine. I promise I won't leave." He says then walks out of my room. 

**Jake's Pov**

"Why the hell are you walking out of my little sister's room without a shirt on?" I turn around and see Luke standing outside his room with his arms crossed.

"We went to a party. She got really drunk and wanted me to sleep with her." I shrug. It was strange. It was the first time I've ever slept with a girl. Even when I have sex with girls, I just leave them as soon as they fall asleep. 

"Why do you have your shirt off?" He glares.

"She slept in it because I wasn't about to go through her closet trying to find her pj's." I shrug.

"Fine." He glares then walks back in his room. That kid is strange. I walk downstairs to find Ella's mom in the kitchen. 

"Hello, Jake." She smiles.

"Hello, Mrs. Pike. Where do you keep Advil?" 

"Oh, here you go." She says and hands me some from her purse. "Do you have a headache?"

"No, Ella does." 

"Oh, well thank you for taking care of her." She smiles then pats my shoulder and walks out of the house. I grab a cup and fill it with water then walk back to Ella's room.

"I can't believe you got my sister drunk." Luke says leaning against the wall next to Ella's door.

"I didn't. She did it to herself." 

"You brought her to a party." 

"What? Has she never been to a party?" I laugh.

"No, she hasn't." He says complete serious.

"You're joking?"

"Nope, that was the first party she went to. Wanna know why doesn't go to parties?" He doesn't give me time to answer before he continues. "She's afraid of drunks. She doesn't like being drunk because she's seen what it does to people and how it hurts other people. So congrats you got my sister drunk for the first time, and you brought her to her first party, and you left her there alone." He says and walks into his room. I shake my head and walk into Ella's room. She laying in the bed with the covers over her head.

"Ella." I say as I sit beside her on her bed.

"Shh! You're hurting my head." She whines.

"I'm sorry, little kitten. Take this." I whisper. She sits up and take the Advil and water from me. I watch her as she drinks all the water. I can't believe I left her at her first party. I can't believe I got her drunk for the first time. I should have stayed with her not talked to Jade. God, I'm a bastard.

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