Chapter 11

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I am so sorry. It's been months since I updated. But here it is!(:

**Ella's Pov**

It's been a few weeks since we had the movie night at me house. Layla and Nathan have gone on a date, but Jake is yet to ask me out. I don't think he was lying when he said he would because we've been talking a bit more. I almost feel like we're dating, but he hasn't actually asked me out. Ugh. He is so confusing.

"Ella! Wake up!" Luke yells while walking into my room. I groan and sit up.

"Are you and Layla coming to the game tonight?" I totally forgot it was Friday. I really don't wanna have to sit through a football game especially since Jake or the guys aren't gunna be there, but Layla will probably wanna go.

"Yeah. I think so." I nod. He smiles and walks out. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and sit there for a minute before I get up and change for school.


"Hey, girlie." Layla greets as I get out of Luke's car.

"Hey." I smile. 

"Are we going to the game tonight?" She asks.

"I think so. Unless you have something else to do." I say as I open my locker.

"No, I don't."

"Hey, girls." Nathan smiles, grabs Layla's hand, and kisses her cheek.

"Nathan, are you two doing anything tonight?" I ask Nathan. He'll tell me if they really are doing something.

"We actually aren't. Why you two gunna go to the game?" He asks. 

"I guess so. I have nothing better to do." I shrug. Nathan smirks.

"You have nothing better to do? That doesn't sound right."

"What do you know that I don't?" I ask him.

"Well you and Jake are kinda getting-"

"No where." I sigh.

"Lies!" A voice yells. I look behind Nathan and see Josh about five feet away.

"What do you mean lies?" I ask confused. "We've literally done nothing and have gotten no where in our...I don't even know if you can call it a relationship."

"Hopefully soon something will happen." Layla says and gives me a sad smile.

"I hope so too." I say as the bell rings, and everyone walks their separate ways.


The final bell rings, and I bolt out of my class to my locker and then to Luke's car.

"Ready for the game tonight?" A voice says behind me as I walk to Luke's car.

"Go away, Blake!" I say coldly. I feel someone grab my arm and spin me around.

"Why do you waste your time with him when you can have me?" Blake snarls.

"Same reason you waste your time with me when you can have whatever slut at this school that you want." I glare.

"Because I love you." He says softly. My eyes grow big, and I try to pull away.

"Blake! Get off of her!" I hear Luke yell. I keep struggling to get away. 

"You don't love me." I hiss. "You're just saying that so you can get in my pants." 

"No, I'm not, Ella." Blake says softly. "I swear, baby, I love you." 

I look at him and stop struggling. He looks so honest and sad. I feel someone yank me from Blake's grip.

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