Chapter 12

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OH MY GOD! I FINALLY UPDATED THIS BOOK! I am so sorry I haven't updated in forever! I haven't given up on this book. I just had a bad writer's block, but my sister helped me. Oh, and I just moved, so I didn't have internet to update! I love you all so much! Thank you for your support! Let me know how it was? I'm really bad at being cute with stuff, so hopefully it was sweet/cute enough for you all! I love you all again and enjoy!(:

Oh! And the song is Supernova by my baby band, This Is All Now! I am in love with them. So check them out!(:

And I haven't had a chapter with a picture with Blake, so the picture is of Chace Crawford as Blake Williams(I don't know about that last name. I don't remember if I have a last name for Blake, but I guess it'll be Williams now)

**Ella's Pov**

It's been two weeks since Jake and I went on a date, but I don't think we're actually a couple yet. It's really confusing. Jake is confusing like a girl.

It's Monday. No one understands how much I hate Mondays. There's a knock on my door. Thinking it's Jake, I jump out of bed and up the door quickly. Luke is standing there smirking.

"Hello, sister. You sure seem happy this Monday."

I groan and go lay back down. I hear Luke start laughing.

"Shut up!" I yell and throw a pillow at him. This only caused him to laugh harder. "Luke, seriously leave." I groan.

"Okay. Okay. I know when I'm not wanted." He laughs and leaves the room. "But you still need to get ready for school!" He yells before slamming the door. I hear my mom yelling at Luke for slamming the door and start smiling. I actually feel like this Monday isn't going to be so bad.

Wait, Luke woke me up, and Jake didn't. Jake was sleeping in my bed with me, and he's not now. What happened to Jake?!


"MOM!" I scream as I run into the kitchen. She drops the pan she's holding and places her hand on her heart.

"Ella Pike, you almost gave your mother a heart attack." My dad glares then looks back at the newspaper as he sits at the kitchen table.

"I'm sorry, mom." I say quickly. "I just wanna know where Jake is." I mumble. I see my dad smirking in the corner of my eye as my mom looks at me shocked. I start blushing. My parents don't really know that Jake and I are getting a long better. I can't believe I just gave it away.

"He's uh.." My mom starts then her eyebrows scrunch up as she thinks about. "I don't really actually know, sweetheart."

My heart instantly starts hurting. What if something bad happened to him? What if he's out with his gang doing bad things?

"Ella?" My father asks snapping me out of my trance.

"Sorry." I shake my head.

"I said, he went out this morning and said he was planning something big." My father explains. My heart beat quickens. I wonder if he's doing anything for me.

"Ella, sweetie." My mother says. I look over at her. "You do realize school starts soon, and you aren't even dressed yet." My mother says. I look down at myself and run upstairs. I changed into clothes and run into my bathroom. I start brushing my hair but see a piece of paper taped to my mirror. I grab it and read it.

Dear LK,

I'm sorry I was not there when you woke up. I promise that'll never happen again. I'm just have something big planned, and I want it to work out perfectly. I will meet you at the end of school.

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