Chapter 13

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So this probably like the second to last chapter of this book. I'm sorry. It'll be a horrible ending, but I'm having bad writer block and need to finish these books. Again sorry this book as gotten really shitty towards the end. I really wanted this to be good :/ It didn't work. I still love every one of you that reads this book:)

**Ella's Pov**

Jake and I have been dating for exactly one month. I'm so happy with him. No one seems to think it's weird when we're walking around holding hands and doing things like kissing at school. I guess everyone saw it coming. Expect Luke..he was super pissed when I told him. He tried to attack Jake, but I stood in front of Jake and calmed Luke down. After he calmed down, Luke and Jake went outside my house and talked. Neither one of them will tell me what they were talking about which of course made me mad and throw a fit, but they didn't care and never told me what they talked about that night.

Jake went back home about 2 weeks ago. Of course it made me a little sad, but we hang out all the time at school. Besides we don't need to be with each other 24/7. Couples like that actually annoy me. It's good to have space in relationships. I'm not saying to ignore the person, but yeah you get it.

I walk to my locker and expect Jake to be there. He's not, and it makes me worried. I just need to calm down. He is fine. He is Jake Lore, the bad boy. He is in a gang for Pete's sake. He will be okay. Wait...he is in a gang...he isn't at school...crap! Where is he?


**Jake's Pov**

I walked down the street towards the alley that James told me to meet him at. I put on my hood, stick my hands into my pockets, and head down the alley. I don't know what on Earth he wants with me. I told everyone that I am getting out of gang business. I don't need to be in a gang with Ella as my girlfriend. She's an innocent girl. I don't need her getting hurt. My gang leader is totally understanding with my decision. He isn't the type of gang leader to like kill you when you want to leave. He is a really chill guy for being a gang leader. I see James standing towards the end of the alley with a smirk on his face. I roll my eyes and walk towards. James acts like he's some bad ass guy, but in reality he isn't that bad. He's just messed up in the head.

"Jake, I didn't expect you to come." James says with that same stupid smirk. 

"Just get on with it, James, before I knock that stupid smirk off your face." I say which causes James to laugh.

"I wouldn't be so rude to me, Jake." He says while laughing.

"And why not?" I ask raising my eyebrow. This guy is seriously messed up. What the hell is he laughing about so much? I'm not even saying anything funny. This guy needs to go into an insane asylum.

"Because I may hurt your girl more than I already am." He says with another smirk which causes me to stiffen up.

"What?" I say through clenched teeth. James laughs again. Okay, this guy is really pissing me off.

"I've got your girl, Jake." He says, and before he can finish saying my name, I slam him against the brick wall with my hand around his neck. 

"What. Did. You. Say." I say with my clenched teeth and tighten my grip around his neck.

"My boys got your girl, Jake. We're going to take the most important thing in your life away just like you did to me. You took my brother! He was the only family I had! He was my flesh and blood! Now we're taking your 'true love'." He can barely whisper.

"You're just saying this to strike fear into me." I whisper, and he brings to laugh again.

"Now why would I lie about that?" He asks, but I don't reply. I don't know whether to kill this guy right here or run to Ella. "Karma is a bitch, Jake. The more you stay here the more my boys hurt your..what do you call her again?" James asks while smirking. He knows how I call Ella little kitten. "Little kitten I believe is what you call her?" He says laughing. I slam his head against the wall, drop him to the ground, and run to Ella.

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