Chapter 6

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Picture of Raviv Ullman as Nathan DeMille side!

"Ella! Wake up!" Layla says shaking me.

"I'm up." I groan.

"Yup, because we never had a heart to heart talk yesterday." She whines making me giggle and sit up. I stand up and sit beside her on her bed.

"Alright, let's talk." I smirk.

"I really like Nathan." She says quickly.

"I know." I laugh.

"We started talking last night." She blushes and looks down at the bed. 

"Awww! Tell me everything!"

"Well Luke, Zach, Daniel, and I arrived at the party and he was standing there with Josh. He looked at me and winked. I thought it was a mistake or maybe he was winking at someone else because ya know. Why would Nathan DeMille wink at me? Zach got me a few drinks. We were laughing and having a good time when he asked me to dance. We danced for a little bit when Nathan came over. He asked if he could steal me for awhile. Zach said sure, and Nathan lead me upstairs to one of the rooms. We stayed up there all night talking. It was magical, Ella." She sighs. "I don't even think he noticed it was me though. He probably thought I was some other bad ass girl not me. Ya know? He's Nathan DeMille. Why would he wanna talk to me?" She sighs again. "It was perfect though. I think I really, really like him, Ella. I've never felt this way about a guy before. I guess don't want my mom to find out. She'll freak when she finds out I like him. He's bad and I'm me. It'll never work." She sighs and looks down at the bed.

"Hey." She looks up at me. "You are amazing, Layla. You're beautiful, smart, and funny. Any guy would be lucky to be with you. I think Nathan might like you, too."

"Could you ask him for me?" She says. Her eyes light up and twinkle with hope.

"Sure." I smile.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She squeals and hugs me.

"Anytime." I smile.

"So, who do you like?" She smirks.

"No one." I shrug.

"That is a bunch of bull." She smirks. "You like Jake Lore." 

"W..what?" I stutter.

"You like Jake. I know he was the one that dropped you off at my house yesterday. I heard his motorcycle. You would only get on it if you liked him."

"He offered me a ride." I shrug.

"Yes, but you knew he was gunna take his motorcycle. You could have asked Luke for a ride, but instead you choose Jake because you like him." She smirks.

"NO!" I scream and stand up. 

"Come on, you guys slept together. You like him!" She says standing up, too.

"I was drunk!" 


"So it was clearly the alcohol making me want to sleep with me!"

"That is a bunch of bull!" She screams.

"I do NOT like Jake Lore! He's bad!"

"So is Nathan, but you say I should go for him!"

"Nathan and Jake are different!"

"How? You haven't spoke to either of them!"

"Yes, I have!"

"You have had a real conversation with Jake or Nathan?" She asks raising an eyebrow. I stand there and think about it. I haven't really. I hate Jake too much to have a real conversation with him, and Nathan, I've just never really talked to him.

"No." I mumble.

"What's that?"

"No, I haven't." I say louder.

"Ha! I'm right! You haven't had a real conversation with either on of them, and you like Jake!"

"Everything is correct except me liking Jake."

"We'll see about that." Layla smirks.

"Ella! Your mom is here!" Layla's mom, Stacy, yells.

"Alright! I'll be down in a minute!" I yell back. I grab my bag and throw my clothes in it. Layla and I walk downstairs.

"Ready to go?" Mom asks.

"Yup." I smile. "Thanks, Mrs. Anderson for having me." 

"Ella, how many times do I have to tell you? Call me, Stacy. Mrs. Anderson makes me feel old. Besides you've been best friends with Layla since we moved here." She smiles.

"Okay." I smile at her. "Bye, Lay. See you at school tomorrow."

"Ugh! Don't remember me." Layla groans as my mom and I walk out the door.


"She's gunna kill you." I hear my brother say as I walk up the stairs.

"She doesn't need it." I hear Jake say.

"Whatever." Luke says and walks out of my room.

"What is he doing?" I ask.

"Go see." Luke smirks then walks downstairs. I walk into my room. Jake is over by my TV trying to unplug my Xbox.

"What the heck are you going?" I scream.

"Come on, little kitten. When I ditch school, I need something to entertain me, and I'm sure you don't want me in your room all day." He smirks. "Oh, by the way, nice shorts." I look down and notice I'm wearing short shorts again. I groan but then remember what Jake's doing.

"No! I play that!" I scream and jump on his back. Jake rolls us over, and he hovers over me.

"Come on, little kitten. If you play it so well, let's play." He whispers in my ear causing me to shiver. He laughs then gets off of me.

"Fine, but it's not my fault if you lose." I smirk and put in Call of Duty Black Ops 2 then throw Jake a controller. Jake is sitting in my black chair that's in front of my TV with a smirk on his face.

"Get up."


"Ugh! You're ridiculous." I groan and sit on the floor beside the chair.

"Nope, you are." He says then stands up and picks me up.

"What are you doing?" I scream.

"Hold on." He says then sits down on the chair and sits me beside him. 

"I'm squished." I whine. 

"Here." Jake moves his legs to the side, so mine have more room.

"Thanks." I mumble. 

"Ready to get your ass beat." Jake smirks.

"No, your about to get your ass beat." I laugh.

"Oh shit!" Jake gasp.


"Ms. Goodie Goodie just said ass." He smirks.

"Shut up!" I say and smack his arm.

"Let's do this thing!" Jake smirks.

"Prepare to lose!" I scream making Jake laugh. 

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