Chapter 8

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Picture of Nina Dobrev as Jade Asher side!

I walk downstairs slowly and as quietly as possible at around 5:26. I make it to the door without anyone seeing me. I open the door and run out of the house but of course bump into someone. They grab my arm before I fall back on my butt.

"Whoa, slow down there, little kitten." I look up and see Jake smiling at me. Where's my camera?! Jake Lore is smiling! Not smirking but smiling! Wait, he said something to me.

"Oh, umm..sorry." I mumble.

"No harm done. Didn't want family asking you questions?" I shake my head. "That's cool. Let's go." He smirks and leads the way to his motorcycle. And the smirk is back! I groan and follow him. 

"Oh and by the way." Jake says when I get on behind him. "You look great." He smirks. Before I can say anything, he starts up the bike, and I wrap my arms around him. I still don't think riding on this thing. Sorry, but I've heard of what happens to people that ride these things. 

"Alright, time to get off." Jake says. I didn't even notice we stopped.

"Sorry." I mumble.

"No harm done, little kitten." He smirks then grabs my hand and leads me to a fancy restaurant. My heart races as I realize I'm holding hands with Jake Lore. Some one pinch me.

"Jake!" A voice yells when we walk in. 

"Hey, Coop!" Jake smirks. I notice that's the guy, Cooper, from this morning at school.

"Oh, and the lovely chica." Cooper smirks and take me other hand a kisses it. "I'm Cooper." 

"Hey." I smile.

 "You guys gunna get your asses over here." Another voice says. I look behind Cooper and see a girl. She looks a tad bit older than me and familiar. 

"Come on." Cooper smiles and leads the way over to the table the girl is sitting at. Jake never lets go of my hand as we walk over to him.

"Remember, Ella, you can leave the restaurant whenever you want." Jake whispers as we reach the table. What is he talking about?

"Nice to see you again, Jade." Jake smirks as we sit across the table from Cooper and the girl.

"Sup, Jake." Jade greets then smirks at me. "You must be the damsel in distress."

 "Ummm...sure?" I say unsure. 

"Jade, this is Ella. Ella, this is Jade." Jake introduces.

"Hello." I smile.

"Yeah, hey." She says then looks at Jake. "Let's get this over with."

"What?" I ask.

 "Let's order first." Cooper smiles.

"Whatever." Jade mumbles.

"So," Jade says after our waiter gets our drinks and orders. "Are you and Jake dating?"

I look over to Cooper and see he has a big smile on his face.

"No." I say even though I kinda wish that wasn't true. Cooper's smile turns into a frown.

"Why not?" He asks then looks at Jake.

"Umm....because we pretty much hate each other." I shrug even though I wish we didn't. 

"Jake doesn't hate you." Cooper smiles. "We wouldn't be here if he hated you."

"Right, so why are we here again?" I ask.

"Jake has a secert." Jade smirks.

"No duh." I mumble.

"So let me introduce ourselves again." Cooper smiles.

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