Chapter 4

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Picture of Luke Pasqualino as Luke Pike side!

Jake hasn't talked or looked at me since that night. I just don't understand why he doesn't want to. I know he said he was the bad guy, but he doesn't seem like a bad guy to me. I know he's a man-whore and has some discipline problems, but other than that he isn't that bad. 

I'm sitting in 7th period on Friday just waiting for the bell to ring. This has been the longest week ever. There's gunna be a football game tonight, and I know Layla is gunna force me to go. I'll probably go for Luke, Zach, and Daniel, and I don't wanna be home with Jake all by myself. The bell rings, and I run out of my class to my locker. I throw all my things in my locker and run to Luke's car.

"You are going to the game, right Ella?" A voice says as they walk beside me.

"I don't know, Blake." I say.

"Come on, baby. You don't wanna cheer me on?" He smirks.

"First, of all I'm not your baby. Second, no I won't wanna cheer you on."

He stands in front of me making me stop. He leans forward and pushes my hair behind my ears. I tense up as I feel him touching my skin. 

"You were my baby, first." He whispers in my ear. "And I know you still want me." 

"No! I don't!" I say and push him away. He starts laughing. Why is he laughing? He keeps laughing, so I walk away.

"Ella! Just the girl I wanted to see!" I turn around and see Josh walking up to me.

"Hey, Josh." I smile.

"So, what are you doing after the game?" He asks as we continue to walk to Luke's car.

"I'll probably go home."

"You should come to a party one of Jake's friends is throwing."

"What? Why? He doesn't want me to." 

"He will. Just go home after the game, change, and wait for him to come home." He says and walks away. Ummm...Okay? I get into Luke's car, and he pulls out of the parking lot.

"What did Josh want?"

"He wanted to see what I was doing after the game."

"Going home and skipping the party." Luke smirks.

"Shut up!" I groan. It's true, I always skip the parties after games. I don't know. I just don't like parties. I get out of the car and walk up to my room. My phone vibrates, and I grab it out of my purse.

From Layla:

Hey, girl! You better be going to the game because I am NOT going by myself.

From Ella:

I am. Lol. Chill out.

From Layla:

Yay!(: See you there, and NEVER tell a girl to chill out!

I laugh and throw my phone on my bed. I walk over to my closet and pick out an outfit. I take a thirty minute shower then change into the clothes. I put on some makeup, pull my hair into a high ponytail, put on my Converse, grab my purse, and go downstairs. 

"Hey, El. Ready?" Luke asks. 

"Yup." I smile then we walk out to his car.


"ELLA!" Layla screams and runs to me. 

"Hey, Lay." I smile. 

"Hey. So, are you coming to the party after the game?" She asks as we sit down.

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